What is that thing you crave for as soon as you get up from bed? Is that a cup of freshly brewed coffee? Is it? Starting your day with a cup of coffee lets you stay focussed all through the day, lets your mind give out engaging ideas and the like. The aroma of coffee that fills up your room with your morning cup is what kick starts your awesome day ahead. So,all those of you who are non- caffeinated there is still time to alter your habits for a better and energetic life.

Why should you start drinking coffee?

While the caffeinated group are people who are always bubbling with new ideas and are often the game changer given their presence of mind in all situations. The non- caffeinated people are more often than not seen to sleep through the day, being bleary eyed and the like. However, there are exceptions where people without coffee are also seen jumping with ideas as well but generally non coffee people are seen to be slow and being irritated, walking rather strolling up a staircase or from one place to another. They take it on personal grounds if you try to hurry them up. Now talking of coffee there is a twist in the tale. While all that I said you must be thinking that how lovely would it be to have a nicely made coffee with abundance of cream and milk but that’s not the case, the best kind of coffee is the one that is black.

Coffee that is black and without added flavours has a high amount of caffeine content with helps in stirring up the mind making one feel refreshed after a long night sleep.

Adding milk or cream to it might taste great but with people who are lactose intolerant or there are people who have a tendency to get acidity-consuming milk early in the morning. For those who weren’t a coffee person for milk its good news for you guys. Cholrogenic acid present in coffee doesn’t only make one feel energetic but has a lot of health benefits as well which goes away with added flavours. So learn the Black Coffee recipe by heart and brew yourself a cup from the next day. All you need is a pot of boiling water and an awesome aromatic rich in content coffee seeds to make your mornings feel like awesome.

Having some serious coffee craving already?
Besides making one feel refreshed black coffee also aids in weight loss. Yes, you heard it right, black coffee being rich in chrologenic acid is a fat burner. So all of the calorie conscious people working out hard to lose out those stubborn pounds off you, switch on to black coffee to help you get your desired shape in an easy and better way. Want to lose those stubborn kilos but can’t get yourself to get out of bed early in the morning? Your solution is in the cup of a nicely brewed black coffee, it will not only make you feel refreshed but will act as a catalyst in your weight loss process. So start drinking coffee all of you out there. For for recipes visit: indian healthy recipes

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