Now that you have learned what your struggle is, and accept that you are dealing with it, it is time to take action to resolve, discover the solution for, or feel better about, your struggle. You can decide to take action, or not. Most of us want so much to be at peace that dealing with our struggle becomes the main focus or main thing of our lives. For most of us, resolving “our struggle” is the most meaningful, most important journey, and once resolved, the most desirous state of being that we will ever know.

In reality, you have already made the decision to take action. By virtue of purchasing this book you decided to take action to improve, resolve your struggle , or better yourself. Everyone makes these decisions on a daily basis whether we choose to recognize it or not, with every action, decision, or feeling, we decide what and how we move.

Whether you have made your decision to act from a conscious or sub-conscious point of view, congratulations! Regardless of the reason or how you made the decision, the important point is that you decided to move!

You are about to begin the most enjoyable, fulfilling, and meaningful journey of your life. Embrace you decision to move. You are headed in the direction you desire more than anything else in the world. You are about to give yourself the greatest gift ever, “Your Blissful Life”.

The remainder of this book will provide you the process to follow in discovering, defining, and detailing the actions you need to take to achieve “Your Blissful Life”. Remember to be totally honest with yourself, totally accepting of your thoughts, feelings, and views along your journey. It is your unique journey. Our journeys are all unique, just as we are all unique. Enjoy yourself and your personal discovery!

For me, my decision to move was actually quite radical. Once I recognized that I was dealing with the struggle and total accepted my uniqueness, I had to take immediate action. It was as if I was being pulled by an incredible force to begin my journey. This force though was coming from within me! I had never experienced anything like it before. As a result, I had my partners buy me out of the Information Technology Company. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing it. GREAT! Little did they know the real reason behind my decision! I was about to embark upon my life changing discovery process. Many did not support me in my decision but it was OK. I was doing this for me, no them. Others were totally jealous of my decision. They wished that they had the where withal to take such actions. There was a very small group that encouraged me to go and grow. Regardless of the group they fell into, perhaps they took their positions based on how much of themselves they saw in me. For me, leaving the environment in which I was operating was an important part of freeing myself.

This type of major decision is not for everyone. You need to decide what actions you need to take in order to place yourself in a position to discover and grow.Recognize the actions you have already taken. What actions have you taken to get to this place, at this moment in your life?

Do you need to take any further action to enable you to complete your discovery? If so, note them here

If you have additional actions to take, assign due dates to each. When you set deadlines, you are committing to yourself, to your journey

Author's Bio: 

Timothy A. McGinty is the published co-author of the highly regarded Wake Up... Live the Life You Love® series. A collaborative effort with such inspirational leaders as Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dywer, and Brian Tracey. He is also the author of “Your Blissful Life”, a book which takes the reader by the hand and walks them through a process for defining their “Blissful Life” and the action plan for achieving it.

Imagine Yourself… is focused on enabling clients “breakthrough” in achieving their success. Mr. McGinty has helped many organizations and individuals discover their passion, define their life balance, develop strategies for achieving that balance, and held them accountable for reaching their goals. Our clients have been so successful that he is known as "The Breakthrough Authority"

Mr. McGinty is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and coach who gives back to the local community and the world. He assists those who seek to do more, get more, and experience more out of their lives.