This morning I asked myself again, “Now, what do I want to do with my life?” It seems I ask myself this question fairly often. Wouldn’t you think I’d already know what I want to do with my life? After all, I’ve recently gotten my Medicare card! However, when I finish a project or come to the end of some saga, I find myself pondering what’s next.
The choices seem endless. Being multi-talented and incredibly interested in many things can be frustrating. I have skills and training in more areas than seems sensible. Sometimes it seems like I dabble rather than take an occupation seriously. Am I really required to pick one and stick with it forever? Am I a dilettante when I move fluidly between various activities? I don’t know.
What I do know is that I feel it’s time to quit floating down the river. It’s time to climb onto the shore and assess where I am and what my resources are. Brrr! It’s a little chilly out here, standing dripping wet in my birthday suit. What would make me feel warm and cozy?
• What engages my mind so completely that I forget what time it is?
• What activities engage my heart?• What motivates me to do more?
• What challenges me to be better?
OK, that’s clear. I answered those questions, and now I know what I want to do next. A few months ago, I might have had trouble answering those questions. I was restless and feeling dull. I was waiting for the next thing to appear.
Here’s a question that helps people determine what has heart and meaning for them: What do you want to be remembered for when you die? Since I came home from Africa, one of my answers is to be remembered as the woman who changed the health of thousands (or millions) of people around the world by disseminating information about purifying water in discarded plastic bottles. This idea has engaged my heart, stimulated my mind, and when I talk about it or think about it, I lose all track of time. The challenge for me is to find out how to get the information to the people who need it and to motivate them to use the low tech method I discovered on the internet to eliminate water-borne diseases from their lives.And then I think, “Who am I to accomplish this daring goal?” That question reminds me of Marianne Williamson’s words about our greatest fear:
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
I know I get scared when I think I don’t know what I am doing, but I keep moving forward and finding the most wonderful information. And people have contacted me to say they want to help! It does seem like the path has been illuminated for me. So here I go, taking another step!
Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics.She has helped many women discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.
Jacquie gives back to the community and the world as a volunteer. She has been a hospice worker, the Executive Director of the Pacific Mozart Ensemble, a youth group leader, and will soon travel to Africa to co-lead a Leadership program for girls in Kenya and Tanzania. She is a wife and the mother of grown daughters. She has been an employee, a free-lance consultant, and has created her own business. She is old enough to collect Social Security and young enough to have big dreams!
About the Author:
Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics. She has helped many women and men discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.
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