You might call it "pure Hell" but I would call it "pure Earth." In a session of Regression Therapy, I guided "Daisy" through a tortured life of uncontrolled drinking, joyless sex, with a keen desire for escape that never was satisfied.

Daisy didn't even succeed at suicide, or so she thought. After she drank the goblet of poison, and her body went numb, she hovered around the room in her light body. More frightened and stifled than ever before, Daisy felt confused. She seemed stuck in time and space, unable to move forward.

Gradually it lifted. Moving into the light, somehow, helped by someone she didn't even recognize, Daisy found herself moving freely, finally able to leave the death chamber. Soon she had moved into a place of compassionate understanding, where she could look back on lessons learned in that life.


Next, I guided my client, "Joanie," through a process to release all the remaining frozen blocks of energy from that incarnation as Daisy. Together, Joanie and I had spent an entire session revisiting that lifetime, removing one frozen block after another.

Such is the joy of Energy Release Regression Therapy, as learned from my mentor Dr. Coletta Long. In every session with clients, there are always discoveries.

• Clients who don't even believe in reincarnation have had vivid experiences of one or more past lives.• Other clients have moved into lifetimes in non-human bodies, releasing frozen blocks of energy in wildly shaped bodies; their alien worlds seem to come straight out of science fiction.

Except afterwards the results are real for this human life.One client who suffered for 30 years from severe allergies was cured after just one session.

Health problems , social problems, sexual problems, weight problems,
relationship problems, -- there's a huge list of real-life, this-life problems that have been healed from the simple journeys with my clients taken in my healing room in Northern Virginia.

From all this, I have learned a lot about people... and healing... and history. Guiding my clients through these experiences, it's ironic because I'm the sort of person who won't watch violent movies or suspenseful TV shows.

Hey, I even turn away from kissing scenes. Yet, through this work, I have been present at rapes, incest events, murders, battlefields, etc.

Guess my feeling always was, "Why watch what I can't change?" So of course I would routinely tune out TV news where the broadcasters decide, "If it bleeds, it leads." Watching such things doesn't help a thing. The difference now is that I watch but I also can help.


But I woke up this morning thinking about one main thing that I have learned from all these sessions of Past-Life Regression Therapy. This world is all one big school house. It's only school. Every single day, you and I are going to school.

It wasn't enough to go through many sessions of regression therapy as a client, with Coletta Long, Susan Kingsley-Rowe, and my wonderful colleague here in Northern Virginia, Darshan Kaur Khalsa. Something about being present as a facilitator has made the difference.

This place really is a school. No matter how vivid and intense, how hopeless or frightening, no matter how dull, life here is never only what it seems. To call it "Illusion" is way too abstract. This is one of God's mega movie theaters. Nothing can feel more vivid than human life through all your senses, with human emotions, being wired for sexuality and all sorts of other appetites.

Based on what I've learned so far, I can promise: You WILL take it with you. By the end of a lifetime, you'll keep every spiritual tie, every bit of learning and light and kindness. Otherwise the whole set of Earth School relationships will be over for you.

As Coletta says, "You will always be in some kind of body somewhere."


So why this article now? Why write it today?

Today I'm sending out the May issue of my monthly e-zine, "Reading Life Deeper" to thousands of readers. This is my most intense zine issue ever. (That means "most intense" out of monthly in-depth articles I have published regularly since 2002.)

I do invite you to subscribe.

Consider whether the things I have noticed could possibly be true. Then, if you agree, do what you can to help. But no lasting worries, ever. Not if it's true, what I have learned from decades presiding over sessions of Regression Therapy and Energy Spirituality.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation , and Regression Therapy .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an Expert on Aura here at

Prefer to study directly? Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras” , the first book to combine all three different forms of deeper perception,

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” , to help you get skills at reading energy fields.

* "Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" , a healing how-to,

* "Empowered by EMPATHY” with leading-edge techniques that Rose teaches internationally,

* “The Power of FACE Reading” , and

*“ Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here

With over 140,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community .