In evolutionary terms, fear serves a good purpose – it reminds us to run away when we face a situation that's too dangerous for us to cope with – like facing a hungry lion with no weapon at hand.

Unfortunately, we've developed a sense of false fear as well, which has nothing to do with survival and actually blocks progress.

Why do we create false fears?

Because of our imaginations. We're really good at creating the future and often that future is bleak and dark and full of monsters waiting to drag us down and devour us.

Remember how I talked last week about visualizing a perfect future (often to our detriment)? Well, when we create that perfect future, we set up something to fear. We create a god out of our desires and make them too fearful to approach because we aren't worthy, don't have the right skills or whatever…

And while our imaginations create the perfect outcome, we naturally create the most terrible outcomes, the worst case scenarios and these scare us so much we freeze or even turn back, moving away from what thrills us because we'd rather stay where we are than risk hurting ourselves through taking action and messing up.

Our bodies don't know the difference between real and false fears. Fear is fear and creates the same run-away reaction. Other reactions include getting angry at ourselves, at another person or at the world in general, developing self-sabotaging behaviours and habits , and not trusting in or second-guessing our decisions.

How do we tell the difference?

If the situation will not harm you in any way then it's a false fear. Simple, no?

Not so simple to dismiss, however. When I'm faced with a false fear, I acknowledge it then find some strength within or some assistance from others to help me ignore the false fear and keep moving forward.

What false fears are holding you back from achieving your dreams and getting rid of your Somedays?

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