Here I am face-to-face or better yet, cheek-to-jowl, with my own will power. Guess what the topic is? You guessed it—a diet. Call it nutrition if you want it to sound healthy. The program I’m on calls it cleansing, which in fact it is. Whatever you call it, I call it challenging. I’m on my second pre-cleanse day and I’m having trouble sticking with it because I have a horrendous habit. I graze. Just like a cow, I munch, munch, munch all day long. Hmm, those almonds look wonderful … now I need an apple--but first I’ll have a glass of iced tea … it’s time for lunch … now I need something sweet … it goes on and on! My head is awhirl with wanting!
They say it will get better. Do they know about my constant thoughts about food? I’m either planning meals, shopping for ingredients, preparing meals, eating meals, eating between meals, or thinking about a restaurant where I’d like to eat. I have thoughts about food all day long! No wonder I got to this portly, chunky, generously proportioned size! I think about food constantly! And I live in the gourmet ghetto, how ironic is that?Honestly, it was easier to stop smoking thirty years ago because at least with cigarettes, I simply wasn’t going to indulge in them anymore. Food is a necessity. I have to have some of it and that’s what’s so maddening. I do have to think about it. For this cleansing program, I don’t need to think very much – just one regular meal a day – except once a week when I don’t get any meal because I’m savoring a cleansing drink!
Oh, doesn’t that all sound fabulous? Well, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this program. I knew I wanted to do it because I really need to lose 40 pounds or so. Probably more, but I’ll start with 40 and see where that takes me. This is about health and when I found a program that was more about health than about appearance, I simply could not resist and still have integrity.
One advantage to not messing about with food is that I have so many extra hours. But that can be a curse because when I’m bored, I think about food even more. I’ll have to come up with some activity that takes my attention to far off places and keeps me occupied. I have a stack of mysteries by one of my newly found favorite authors. I can spend all kinds of time, languishing on our deck, not sipping mint juleps, but reading some fascinating page-turner. It’s a plan anyway.
Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics.She has helped many women discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.
Jacquie gives back to the community and the world as a volunteer. She has been a hospice worker, the Executive Director of the Pacific Mozart Ensemble, a youth group leader, and will soon travel to Africa to co-lead a Leadership program for girls in Kenya and Tanzania. She is a wife and the mother of grown daughters. She has been an employee, a free-lance consultant, and has created her own business. She is old enough to collect Social Security and young enough to have big dreams!
About the Author:
Jacquie Hale guides women to live a healthy, wealthy, and balanced life. Her expertise in health issues comes from her experience as a medical technologist and natural health consultant. She has a BS in biochemistry and a graduate degree in Natural Health and is always investigating alternative health topics. She has helped many women and men discover and create a life of heart and meaning. As a Life Coach, Jacquie interacts with people weekly, by phone and helps them discover their own wonderful selves. She also facilitates life-changing workshops and teleseminars, provides email coaching programs, and has written several books about health and personal growth.
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