Weight Loss – A Practical Solution

The human body is designed to tell us when we are hungry and therefore regulate our natural weight, however modern living can seriously ruin this mechanism.

Many people, during childhood, experience being told to eat up all our meals, even if we are full. We may be rewarded for this by praise, or even by more food, usually a sweet. From a young age, many of us are conditioned to overeat.

Food is also often linked to celebrations (such as Christmas), and good times. We may have many fond and comforting memories associated with food.

When someone has a problem they may “comfort eat”, drawing on these past experiences for temporary relief. The problem is just that – the relief is temporary. Any problem has not been dealt with, and is therefore likely to flare up again, possibly causing more overeating. Deal with any problems directly.

Here is a system that can get our minds and bodies back in tune with our hunger responses.

Imagine a chart ranging from 1 to 10. At 10 this is where you have ate as much as you possibly can. At 0 is where you have not eaten for 24 hours. The idea is not to exceed 5. This is the point where you have taken the edge off the hunger, but you are not “stuffed”.

Ask yourself, honestly, which number are you at right now. Being honest is the key, as kidding yourself will only ruin the mind body connection.

Anytime you need to eat, ask yourself honestly at which number you are at. If you are on 5 or more, then you do not eat. Drink some water, find something fun to do, or deal with any problem you might have ( hypnosis may be able to help you with this).

If you are on less than 5, say 3, then it is ok to eat. Enjoy what you are eating, but stop when you feel you are at 5.

Try it, it really works – as long as you stay honest. Your mind will learn when you are genuinely hungry, and when you are not. This allows our natural mechanisms, which were developed over millions of years, to regulate our weight.

Of course we are but human. Every now and then we may eat over 5. If you do, then again be honest with yourself, admit that you are indulging yourself, and still be aware of what number you eat to. That way you can return to your good habits with your mind body connection to hunger fully intact.

- Jon Rhodes

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