Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs in small but steady amounts for normal growth, function and health. Together, vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients. Your body can't make most micronutrients, so you must get them from the foods you eat or, in some cases, from dietary supplements .

These nutrients are needed for a variety of biological processes, among them growth, digestion and nerve function. Vitamins are involved in many processes that enable your body to use carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy and repair. Though vitamins are involved in converting food into energy, they supply no calories.

Facts on the vitamin's benefit in increasing calcium absorption with good food sources and supplements, recommended daily allowance by age level, with additional information on calcium supplements.

Nutritional supplements also help boost our immune system. The stronger your immune system, the more resistant your body can be against disease. You probably know that popping a tablet or two of Vitamin C can help you avoid colds and related illnesses. This is exactly how useful supplementation is.

Our bodies, each with a biochemistry as unique as our fingerprints, are incredibly complex, so discussions of minerals, or any nutrients for that matter, must deal with ranges rather than specific amounts. Raw milk contains a broad selection of completely available minerals ranging from the familiar calcium and phosphorus on down to trace elements, the function of some as yet still rather unclear.

To help boost calcium levels in individuals with chronically low calcium absorption, supplementing Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) can be helpful in inhibiting the antagonistic action of phosphorus (if high), while taking extra Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) will increase magnesium uptake by inhibiting sodium and iron. A Magnesium+Vitamin B2 combination can be effective in relieving one-sided migraines if caused by elevated iron or sodium.

Titanium implants support calcium, but not magnesium retention.
Unfortunately, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is almost non-existent on commercial farms and bottled water is mostly devoid of trace minerals. Key trace minerals now missing from the modern diet include copper, tin, silver, gold, and lithium. The entire burden has shifted to naturally occurring salt and/or trace mineral supplements. Recently, trace minerals in the news include selenium for preventing cancer, boron for preventing osteoporosis, and chromium for regulating blood sugar levels. Of course, finding the right source of trace minerals is tricky, but that is another topic.

Drinking-water may be contaminated by a range of chemical, microbial and physical hazards that could pose risks to health if they are present at high levels. Examples of chemical hazards include lead, arsenic and benzene. Microbial hazards, include bacteria, viruses and parasites, such as Vibrio cholerae, hepatitis A virus, and Crytosporidium parvum, respectively. Physical hazards include glass chips and metal fragments.Coral can raise children’s pH levels in weeks, but it will often take several months for mid-age or older adults. Another unfairness of maturing! So, if you are in your thirties, like it or not, that chemical change has happened and the odds are good that your pH has already slipped into acidity.

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