Most people do not know the benefits of Vitamin D let alone its impact on the health and vitality of the human body. The term “Vitamin D” specifically refers to a group of fat soluble pro-hormones that, amongst other things, help maintain organ systems, promote anti-tumor activity in the body, maintain hormonal balance and assist with absorption of nutrients, primarily calcium and phosphorus. Just as many individuals aren’t aware of it’s benefits, people also don’t realize that the body cannot create Vitamin D on its own without sun exposure. For this reason, Vitamin D deficiency is becoming quite a hot topic amongst professionals in the medical community.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms range from weak bones, depression , to fatigue and sleep irregularities. A deficiency can contribute to osteoporosis, heart disease , mood disorders, varying types of cancer, as well as metabolic issues. To ensure you get your recommended daily dose of Vitamin D, follow these suggestions:

-One way the body can obtain Vitamin D is through safe sun exposure. As I firmly believe “healthy skin leads to better health” be sure to go out in the early morning or late afternoon with your arms and legs exposed. To protect your face you can wear a hat or apply sunscreen made of zinc oxide that has an SPF 15 or higher. Limit yourself to a time frame of 20-30 minutes in the sun daily. Individuals with darker skin need more time in the sun, the pigment melanin prevents optimal penetration of the UVB light into the skin which would normally activate the production of Vitamin D.

-We are what we eat. Be sure to incorporate fatty fish like wild salmon, herring, catfish, trout and sardines. Cod liver oil has the highest source of Vitamin D. Cereals and alternatives to dairy such as almond, soy and rice milk have been fortified with Vitamin D.

-Discuss with your Alternative/Integrative Medicine Health Care Professional the possibility of Vitamin D deficiency. If you dislike the thought of getting out into the sun, there are ways to supplement your diet with Vitamin D, but in order to really measure the success of your case, have your health care professional take a blood test that measures 25-hydroxy Vitamin D and review your results. Together as a team you can establish the proper follow-up procedure to review your response to Vitamin D supplementation. Most individuals need to supplement at least 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D daily and taken with meals. With severe deficiency, individuals may need up to 5000 IU of Vitamin D per day for a few months and then taper down to 1000-2000 IU daily.

The next time you see the sun shining, remember that a daily dose of safe sun is yet another component to living a healthier life.

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