There are many ways to give gratitude , with grace, in the moment. Many ways that you may choose to incorporate into your day, week, and month. My intention and action for the month is to embody and live with gratitude . Will you join me?

"As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest appreciation, is not to utter words, but to live by them." John F. Kennedy

1. Give thanks to your Higher Power, God, Spirit, the universe, or whatever name you feel the most comfortable with, for the gift of life.

2. Give appreciation to yourself. You are a blessing.

3. Give appreciation unexpectedly to someone you feel you haven't given true appreciation in awhile.

4. Give thanks to those who work with you, and to those who you work for.

5. Give appreciation by giving to someone in need.

6. Give gratitude with a random act of kindness. A gift, a note, a kind deed, a phone call or a visit.

7. Be grateful for the littlest of things you may normally take for granted.

8. Give thanks to those around you, with love, genuineness and humility.

9. Carry a stone in your pocket -- a gratitude rock -- to remind you.

10. Write down your daily blessings and gratitude in a journal.

The more that we are thankful for our blessings, the more that blessings appear.

Author's Bio: 

Author and Speaker. Life Coach and Employment Counsellor. Extensive facilitation experience and expert in the field. FREE "Inspiration & Illumination" newsletters and podcasts available on website! ("Resources for Positive Living, Growth, and Transformation".)