Q. I have a hard time getting going in the morning. Do you recommend taking supplements to boost energy?

A. This is a question I get asked alot! As a mom of a three and six year old, I completely understand where this question stems from. Motherhood while rewarding can be extremely demanding, and sleep is a commodity.

I have walked on both sides of the fence regarding energy supplements. I used to rely heavily on my two little pills in the morning to wake me up and get me through my morning workout. The key word being "rely." If I forgot to take them, I was hard pressed to get through my workout and less than happy.

The pills I used marketed the fact that the recommended dose had about as much caffeine as one cup of coffee in addition to all the other unknown ingredients that I could not pronounce. What I came to realize is that whatever magic was contained in those little pills was ultimately addictive in that I could feel a difference physically if I forgot to take them and I experienced increased levels of grouchiness to put it mildly.

That being said, choosing to take an energy supplement is a personal choice. Just make sure you know what you are getting yourself into and what you are putting into your body. Do your research! Perhaps you may consider an alternative and look into a non-stimulant energy increaser that is comprised of energy enhancing vitamins and minerals.

I have since weaned myself from my two little pills. In time my body regulated itself and I have been able to sustain my energy on my own by exercising regularly, drinking alot of water, and eating the right foods at regular intervals throughout the day! I am still working on the good night's rest :)

Health & Success,


Author's Bio: 

Alison M. Fadoul is “America’s #1 Mom Motivator,” and the author of the forthcoming book The Hot Mommy Next Door: A Quick, Easy, and Effective Way to Drop Your Baby Weight and Achieve Your Personal Best After Pregnancy. Alison is a certified Spinning® instructor and founder of the Hot Mommy Next Door, a web source and consulting service for mothers of newborns and young children who want to drop their unwanted, leftover baby weight. Sign up now for her free weekly Ezine, “Tips from the Hot Mommy Next Door,” at www.thehmnd.com and receive these two “free” gifts: the Hot Mommy Next Door shopping list and an audio program featuring an interview with Alison. To inquire about Alison’s availability and fees, please contact her via info@thehmnd.com or call 954/304-5481.