As a real estate investor, one area in my life that has improved has been the amount of time that this particular business affords me to reflect upon other aspects of my life. In other words, it has given me an opportunity to actually look at the decisions I’ve made in the past or beliefs that I may have held pertaining to both personal and business and see them in a different light. During this process of reflecting, I’ve changed my views on certain things which used to be of major importance. In a previous article, I spoke on the value of truly preparing for a sales call and how many times that preparation will determine the result of one’s efforts. However, I began to think about why preparation and thinking something through all the way to the end doesn’t always occur even when we may know that it is an essential part of success.

I came up with a couple reasons as to why the thinking side of the business often takes a backseat. The primary reason is that we live in a world that consistently emphasizes being busy or doing ‘things’ as the answer to success. I speak to people who tell me that they are available to me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and that their phone is always on. Now besides the fact that it usually isn’t the truth and they aren’t available like they may have said, I began to think about why anyone would want to claim such a statement anyway. That doesn’t sound at all like something worth aspiring to, it sounds a bit boring and enslaving. On the other hand, I can’t tell you how many times I’ll speak to someone who I may have left a message for and they get back to me a few days later literally sounding out of breath and saying how things at work have been “crazy.” It’s become such a convenient excuse that we often just accept it with a grain of salt and get into the conversation.

By the way, if we are being totally honest here, you’ll never hear me say I was too “crazy” or busy with work to take or return a call. On the rare occasions I don’t return a call within the day, it is for a good reason. We as businessmen and women may even fall into the trap of believing that the harder one works, the more our life will eventually feel “successful.” But feeling “successful” is not going to come from doing extremely well financially if it means that other aspects of life are suffering such as family , health or spiritual matters. And oftentimes, working harder or spending more hours on work does not necessarily equate to even a better financial situation so that elusive feeling of “success” continues to be a carrot as we drown in 60 hour work weeks.

A second reason as to why thinking takes a back seat is because it is hard to measure. We want to be caught up in things in which we can say we physically did something or in which we can check off on a list that something was actually completed. Well, that just is not the case with self examination or meditation . In fact, slowing down and taking a hard look at some weak areas of your business or personal life is oftentimes far more difficult and even more time consuming than checking off another 20 tasks completed for the day. However, once this becomes a regular habit, it will be something that you look forward to and it will restore and solidify true success rather than just having that temporary high that comes from being busy. Think the game, don’t just play it.For information on how you can become less busy and more productive, contact us at regarding our mentoring programs.

Author's Bio: 

Biography of David D. Oswald:

In addition to being a full time real estate investor, David D. Oswald is also a licensed mortgage solicitor, life insurance producer and title insurance producer in the state of New Jersey. As a founding member and currently a consultant to MortgageNow, Inc. (South Plainfield, NJ branch), David first began his career in the mortgage industry in the early part of 2002 during the major refinance boom that lasted until 2004. “I remember when I first started in the mortgage business that I had three trainees who were able to cold call and pull me as many as four or five complete applications each per day,” he explains. “It was exciting to be able to pump up your pipeline with an additional ten or twelve apps a day.”

It was also during that time in 2002 that he bought his first piece of property. “I loved the mortgage industry,” he says, “but I knew that there was something about real estate that attracted me for the long run.” He began traveling extensively throughout the United States over the next three years to educate himself on all aspects of real estate investing. It was during that time that he invested in everything from single family rental homes to raw land to tax lien certificates. Soon after, he started buying pre-foreclosure properties and focusing primarily on the wholesaling side of the business, working with as many as eight to ten properties at a time. David is currently in the process of growing his wholesaling business and branding himself and his real estate companies on a national level.

On a personal note, David is a member of Evangel Church and considers his faith to be the most important aspect of his life. In addition, he enjoys long distance running, playing basketball and reading a few books per month. He is in the process of writing two books, a fictional novel based on his experiences in the mortgage industry and a book on building your business using biblical principles.

For booking for speaking engagements or for mortgage or real estate business consulting, contact .