As I write this, I have just completed what has been nothing short of a marathon session of relationship readings, counselling and agony aunt advice. You would think that it was the fourteenth of February and not the end of April based on how many people want to know whether they should stay, go or get back together.

You might think that our parents would give the best relationship advice . To be sure, they’ve known us from the very beginning. If they don’t understand us, who would, who could? They certainly know best when it comes to physical bumps and bruises. But can we talk to them about love – and the other stuff that comes with a relationship?

Sometimes the parental desire to kiss it and make it all better is more appropriate for a child than it is for an adult. Too often their urge to nurture and protect us overrides what’s in our emotional best interests. You might say that at the best of times it can be a push for them to appreciate and recognise how their babies have grown up and become people in their own right. So, if we don’t turn to our parents, then to whom?

Well, you might think that friends give the best relationship advice . It’s true that they don’t have the challenge that the umbilical cord presents. But sometimes they are simply too close. We’ve all been in friendships that were running along tickety-boo until that boyfriend or girlfriend came on the scene. Just like that we can find ourselves demoted to second-fiddle, if not completely booted.

Trying to put aside our hurt or not so secret desire to see the Johnny-come-lately tarred and feathered can require more than we can manage, bear or stomach. It can be too much to give your formerly best friend the best advice about the relationship that ousted us from our perch. So, if we don’t turn to our friends, then to whom?

During the nineties, we turned to therapy for nearly everything that was wrong in our lives. For some, looking back and trying to figure out where and how it all went wrong worked. But for others of us, going all the way back to the beginning was tantamount to opening an emotional tin of worms, not to mention time-consuming.

Tracing our current relationship woes to our childhood can be more interesting than helpful. Sometimes knowing where something comes from can be overkill when all we want to know is how to fix it. In my experience, the only guarantee that comes with therapy is that of a very expensive journey. So, if we don’t turn to our therapists, then to whom?

Over the years, I have found that more and more of us are turning to psychics for advice on our relationships. For the most part, our psychic is no more than an acquaintance – if we know them at all in the traditional sense. So, unlike our parents or our best friends, there’s no agenda, no baggage and no secret desire to see our other half crash and burn. There’s only detached objectivity, which is what we really need to navigate the complex seas of love lives.

When people come to me for a relationship reading, I get only the briefest of information – a date of birth and, if my client so desires, a question or particular steer in an area for me to focus on. I’m not concerned with the history, background or who said or did what. I’ll tune into the energy of the relationship for myself and, as I’m found of saying, “I’ll tell you.”

I look at the relationship from your point of view, from their point of view, the needs and wants of everyone concerned, where things stand, what should be taken into account and where I sense it’s all headed. If I do say so myself, my relationship reading is one of my best readings. And I guess that’s why it’s also one of my most popular readings.

Today we live in a society of people wanting to get to the bottom line. The credit crisis has left us trying to do more with less and being extremely cautious of the long term. We know what we want to know and we want to know it now. With my relationship readings, I rely on my psychic insights to give them just that.

If you are in a relationship, want to be in one or are wondering about whether it’s worth getting back together, then you should consider a relationship reading with me or another trusted, professional psychic. Based on my bookings and the feedback I get, it could be just the ticket

Whether it’s a relationship reading, a career reading or a more general reading, I aim to guide my clients so that they are in a stronger position of knowledge and power after the reading than they were before it. Don’t settle for anything less!

If you’ve never had such a reading, then you owe it to yourself to book a reading with an authentic psychic. A reading could bring the answers, advice and insight that have been eluding you for far too long.

Author's Bio: 

After a successful and varied career in law and business consultancy, I am now a full-time psychic and medical intuitive having used my clairvoyant and intuitive abilities to give psychic readings for the nearly 30 years. My readings are grounded in the practical insights that only come from ‘real world’ life experience and have gained me an international following. The range of readings I offer includes Life Readings, Relationship Readings, Career Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings and Year Ahead Readings. Visit my website: