“The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.” - John Schaar

When working with clients the first thing I ask them is, “If you invent your future (and they do) what will it look like and what did you do to get there? Not what will you do, but looking at it as having already happened, what choices did you make to invent your future? You don’t fall into what might be. You create it along the way.”

I’ve mentioned before how I rarely sit down with clients these days and work on long term goals. For most, it’s so far in the distance they can’t even “see” it. They talk about a dream they had way back when, don’t really have an idea how to go about making it a reality….and set (usually) unattainable goals for them to reach towards, later beating themselves up along the way because they hadn’t even started looking at those goals, never mind working towards them.

Life keeps getting in the way.

“I’ll take care of me when….” or “I’ll look at that when I have time….”

When will you slow down to the speed of life? What is happening right now? The future is created in the present. Ignore the present and there is nothing to build upon.

The same goes for one’s personal life. It’s not specific to professional goals. Many are so busy making money and progressing in their careers that they forget to live life. Your future is created based on the relationships and foundation you build as you go. Putting off the important people in your life will almost guarantee they won’t be there when you decide to pay attention to them. It’s presumptuous to imagine anyone will stand by and wait, giving up their lives for a time when you might remember, consider or take notice of them. It demeans them.

Look at what the future has in store for you based on what you’re doing right now. What is most important? What will your future look like? It is by choice….your choice. Choose wisely.

Author's Bio: 

Internationally recognized certified Executive and Political Leadership Coach, Author, Speaker and Lecturer.

Donna Karlin, CEC, has pioneered the specialized practice of Shadow Coaching™ with over 130 senior organizational leaders in the public and private sectors.

Principal of ‘ A Better Perspective™ ’ Ms. Karlin has worked for over 23 years as a coach and trainer with clients in Canada, the US and abroad. Donna is an author, lectures internationally, and is founder of Mindsful™, an international research and development team.

In response to widely expressed interest to her highly successful and innovative approach to coaching, she established the School of Shadow Coaching ™ to enable others to learn the practice.