“The reason people blame things on the previous generation is that there’s only one other choice.”- Doug Larson

We are a society driven by blame. We blame the government for running our lives, and our parents for ruining it. We blame the fast food industry for making us fat, the tobacco industry for giving us cancer, and the justice system for allowing criminals to roam among us while innocent people sit in jail. We blame our kids for giving us gray hair, or in my case no hair (haha) and our schools for equipping our kids with the behaviours that make us old before our time. There is no wrong action, great or small, for which we cannot find someone else to blame. The last person we lay blame on is ourselves.

Too often, though, we are the first person we should point to when problems arise.

The government does make the rules- but we are in charge of electing the rule-makers, and most of us don’t vote honestly, while the majority of those who do are insufficiently informed. Our parents have an enormous impact on our lives- but they can only raise us as well as they were equipped to by their own parents, and once we become adults we are responsible for our own behaviour. We choose to eat too much fast food, smoke cigarettes, and try to get out of punishment when we break the law. Our kids reflect our own behaviour back at us like living mirrors; and no matter how much of their time they spend in school; their behaviour is determined almost exclusively by what we teach them at home.

It is up to each one of us to take responsibility for our lives. Even if the wrongs in our lives were someone else’s fault, we are the one that control our reaction to the situation. When unfortunate events occur in your life, you can choose to be angry and point fingers- or you can choose to do something about it. Be clear on who is to blame for the problems in your life, and take steps to correct the situation.

“Everything in your responsibility and nothing is your fault”

How can you Take Immediate Control of your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny?.... make an appointment today with Mark Holland NLP Coach…

• As your NLP Coach, I’ll help you discover what’s really most important to you in your life.
• Then I’ll help you design a plan to achieve those things.
• I’ll work with you to eliminate any obstacles or blocks that stand in your way.
• I’ll partner with you all the way to success.
• Then I’ll celebrate with you!

• Also you can Learn Advanced Communications Skills to Influence others with Integrity and Ease.
• Learn the Structure of Rapport and How to create it in Seconds.
• Read Body Language and Voice, Understanding what is going on Beneath the Surface.
• Rearrange Your Own Reality to Create Profound Growth in yourself personally and in your business.
• Develop new unconscious habits that are consistent with the goals you want to achieve, and give you some tools you can use to immediately increase your sales.

Increase Self Esteem, Overcome Depression, Relationship Advice, NLP Coaching, and Life Coaching

Copyright 2008 Mark J Holland.
All Rights reserved. http://www.markholland.com.au/

Author's Bio: 

Mark Holland uses an approach to psychotherapy and a model of change based on the subjective study of language, communication and change. Mark as a NLP MInd Coach has a lot of success helping people.