You've heard the old story of the two workers toiling outside of a huge new structure. The first one was exhausted and disengaged and uninspired. "What are you working on?" he was asked by a passerby. "I'm cutting some stones," was the curt reply. The other worker was then asked the same question. "Sorry, can't speak too long," was the passionate response, "I'm in the process of building a cathedral."

Oh how easy it is to lose focus on our purpose in what I call The Age of Dramatic Distractibility. We can be so busy sending and checking emails, following people on Twitter, connecting with "friends" on Facebook and surfing the Net for hours upon hours. But let's not forget that being insanely busy is very different from achieving important results. So easy to lose sight of Cathedral Building.

With all the attractions for escape from real work (and real life) that our world bombards us with, adopting a disciplined stance to the way we show up - and what we do from rise until rest - has never been so important. Shutting out the noise so you can focus on your knitting is Job #1. Otherwise, you'll get to the end and feel such heartache for spending your best years engaged only in the thick of thin things.
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