So how's your 2008 coming along?

In light of a discouraging economy spurred by the manipulation of fuel prices skyward by those currently allowed to be in control of the situation, I felt a great need to revisit the 2008 article posted just prior to January 1 of this year. So often it seems "year ahead" articles -- be they centered around economy, astrology , philosophy, or whatever -- mysteriously vanish as summer draws near. It's been my observation that these disappearing acts are due largely to the fact that all those pie-in-the-sky hopes and promises painted on New Years Day were thoroughly dashed on the rocks of this baneful existence within two months. Therefore, it is deemed best to sweep these now blatant untruths under the carpet and hope no one remembers they even existed.
The deal with predicting the future is that it can never truly be done. Through the mapping of economic trends and astrological alignments and the psychology of the general populous, we can get a feel for what's ahead. We have certain tools available to make out the shape of the pool that we'll be swimming in. Maybe even discern whether the water will be a pleasant temperature or one extreme or the other. But as far as what's gonna happen once everybody dives in and starts splashing water and therefore others around? Anybody's guess. That's the whole idea behind this astrology and numerology video from last year. As I'm pondering this point, I'm reminded of a little tidbit I channeled a while back:

"There is no distinct order of how things fall into place. It is a matter of however and whenever it happens. There is no divine plan that states, "This shall happen, then this, then this, then this." It is all relative and all very much up to the way that decisions dominate the landscape. There are infinite decisions that can be made by any number of you and each affects the outcome of all that is to come. If you take one effect and pit it against another, it shall bring a whole different chain of events than that of another variety of circumstances. I know you see that which you perceive as "future-telling" but these are merely commonsense ideas that you shall come to realize as you continue along your way. There is no big mystery to the way things happen in the land of time so there is nothing to be mystified about. Cause and effect and yin-yang each bear extreme significance in the unfolding of your life and timeline and experience of that timeline."

Given the shape 2008 seems to have taken thus far, it struck me that it might be high time to tap into some of that foresight from beyond my skull which has always proven soooooo eerily on the money about soooooo many topics as demonstrated above. So I sat down and acknowledged the shaky state of affairs in the world presently and brought myself into the moment to receive whatever was presented to me. The points that follow here came directly from that channeling experience.

Fuel for thought.

So as I write this on July 17th, those gas prices which have been on a do or die mission to previously unchartered heights have been coming down a bit for the first time in months. Well, that's worth a couple of little whoops of glee but it doesn't take an economist or an astrologer or some guide from the Great Beyond to accurately predict those prices will go right on back up again. And further than ever.
A key idea I felt inclined to bring into 2008 -- in light of its whole "1 Universal Year" vibe -- was that of following our inspiration no matter what. Regardless of whether it fits with everybody else's thinking. Besides, that is true innovation. And that is the only way we'll get solutions to age old problems now spinning ridiculously outta control. Matter of fact, here's a direct and most apropos quote from that channeling :

"The gas prices that have you in such turmoil are the very things in your time of grief that you are bigger than. BE BIGGER. BE THE GAS PRICES THEMSELVES. BE BIGGER THAN THE GAS PRICES. I say to you that you are all. That "you are all" means you have the power to not only reduce gas prices but to bring the whole issue of how to provide new methods of transport to yourself and others. Forego that which you are convinced is not a reality for you. You are your OWN reality therefore be what you are in your mind's eye, in your heart, in your very fibers and synapses. Be that which you are which is loving light and truth that shines deep through you to those around you. And those around you shine that light to those around them and the light goes on and on. And THAT light goes on and on. And even THAT light goes on. It goes on and on so be not afraid of ideas that suggest lack or end or famine or unlikely portions thereof for those left wandering the plane of existence you-who-have-thoughts exist within."

And that brings us to really the main reason for this article now: Do you really believe that if gas in the U.S. hits seven dollars, eight dollars, or even eleven dollars per gallon that your chances to live a richly rewarding and fulfilling life will be obliterated? Maybe it would help to sit down for that one. Honestly... pull up a chair and get comfortable. Now, again: Do you really believe the price of gasoline or chicken or Levi's determines your chances to live life in the most deeply satisfying way possible?
There's only one thing that has the power to ruin our chances of feeling content and happy: Our interpretation of events. None of us ever have all the facts and figures about why things happened. Nor how they happened. Nor how they're going to happen. What happens, though, is our brain fills in all that missing information with whatever it comes up with... inevitably based on things long since past. And that creates all the big huge nightmares for us.
I'll leave you and the choices you make for your remaining year ahead with a few last words from that place infinitely more insightful than my brain:

"Be not that which you fearfully suspect. Be that which you ARE: The way, the light, the BEING of yourself which is pure, undisputed, indisputABLE truth that lasts and lasts and echoes out and out and on and on without end. The way you go in your mind is the way you go in your heart. The way you go in your heart is the new way you go to your mind. You are your heart force, your life force, your life itself. Be that which is you. Be that which you are. Be you. Be light. Be love."

Author's Bio: 

In 1989 I made a conscious commitment to ultimate truth and began a twisting and winding journey to find it. The journey continues to this day. From AA to Louise Hay to "A Course in Miracles" to profound levels of meditation involving visual messages and channeling, the more I learn the more I find there is to learn. My hope is that my path can help other seekers find their way as well.