The problem with the fitness equipment industry is a lack of innovation. The business of building fitness machines is in a rut. The one exception is elliptical trainers. The concept behind the design is rather innovative - a machine that provides a low-impact workout, and exercising the upper ...The problem with the fitness equipment industry is a lack of innovation. The business of building fitness machines is in a rut. The one exception is elliptical trainers. The concept behind the design is rather innovative - a machine that provides a low-impact workout, and exercising the upper and lower body simultaneously. That is why elliptical trainers are the fastest growing fitness equipment, and will soon surpass treadmills in sales.

Dynamic Motion Trainer

There are several manufacturers that are taking the cross training concept of elliptical trainers to a new level. One in particular, is Smooth Fitness . They recently introduced their Smooth Agile DMT, and in fact, the company does not even refer to the Agile as an elliptical trainer. They call it a “Dynamic Motion Trainer.“

The main difference is in the motion. While your standard elliptical trainer offers one fixed motion, the Agile Smooth DMT gives you twelve unique motions and twenty levels of intensity.

What does this mean as far as getting in shape and losing weight? First, the patented design of the Smooth Agile allows you to focus your exercising on different parts of your body. You will find many elliptical trainer companies claim that an elliptical trainer gives a full body workout. That is incorrect. It does exercise both your upper and lower body, but the focus of the exercise is limited to just a few muscle groups.

The Dynamic Motion of the Agile works out different parts of your lower body. With the twelve unique motions, you are able to focus your exercise , working the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and other core muscles. In addition, the Smooth Agile improves on the resistance to your upper body. With most elliptical trainers, your arms tend to “go along for the ride.” With the Agile it adds resistance to your arms, shoulders, chest and back.

When I tried the Agile DMT, I went through the different motion, and the change-up in the workout is noticeable. Add some resistance and you are kicking up your cardio, while burning calories and sculpting your body.

Other notable features are the articulating foot pedals – pedals that angle with the motion, thereby further reducing the stress and strain to your feet and ankles. You also have heart rate monitors built into the moveable handlebars, and there are thumb controls for resistance and change of motion. This allows you to make changes to the intensity of your workout and to get heart rate feedback without having to break your stride.

Commercial Grade for the Home

If you are looking for a budget crosstrainer, then the Smooth Agile is not a consideration. In addition to the innovative design and engineering, this is commercial grade fitness equipment for the home. It weighs a hefty 390 lbs., which tells you it is a very solid and stable machine.

The Agile is not cheap, however, you are getting an elliptical that will gives you one of the most efficient workouts on the planet.

Author's Bio: 

Fred Waters is the author of the Elliptical Trainer review site, where you can get a detailed review of the Smooth Fitness Agile at .