In regular times, many argue they can’t “afford” to get sick. More so in a recession, many will rather go to work sick than miss their pay even if this means that they may get sicker at the job or that they may get other people sick at work.

Sometimes, parents send their sick children to school as they can’t “afford” missing work for the same reasons: the children feel miserable at school, febrile and unable to concentrate while the parent worries about their child’s well-being while at work.

Although no business seems to have closed because of the H1N1 flu, many schools have closed across the United States.

While many look at their individual needs (“I’ll put up with being sick at work so that I will get paid”) many miss the reasons for isolating themselves and should realize how a contagious illness may affect others who are more vulnerable:

1) When one person stays home, they will avoid getting other people sick at work.

2) This will mean having less people infected at work and less family members infected at work.

3) While, in general, you may have gotten ill while being healthy, others with chronic conditions are more vulnerable to infections and may experience more severe symptoms.

4) In most cases, people who are immune-compromised, young children and the elderly may be mostly affected. Although you may work with others who are healthy, your co-workers’ family members may include people who are immune-suppressed or they may care for young children or elderly parents or grandparents who may be more vulnerable.

5) You will also recover faster if you take good care of yourself at home: eating and hydrating properly, sleeping to recover your energy and taking it easy.

6) Although a closed flight cabin may have good air quality as it is circulated, you should avoid being in confined places if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms including congestion, runny nose, coughing, aches and pains and so on.

7) If you are sick: stay home. Wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing, take plenty of fluids and avoid contact with others who may be vulnerable to the infection.

By Dr. Gaby Cora

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