Sharing Your Goals With The Wrong People
Don't Share Your Goals With Trolls
(Author Unknown)

What Is A Troll?

A troll is a mythological member of a human-like race of beings who lived under bridges and tormented anyone who dared to cross their bridge. In real life, trolls are people who take great pleasure in tormenting anyone who dares to achieve things that they themselves do not have the guts to try to achieve.

Some Exercises For You


Do you know anyone like this in your life? If so, list them below.

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

Who Are The Trolls In Your Life?

They might be your parents, brothers, sisters, co-workers, friends, etc.. Often, they are people from whom we are constantly seeking to gain approval. By seeking to gain their approval, we give them permission to " rain on our parade ." We give them permission to tell us everything that is wrong with our plans and goals.

The Root Of The Problem

The problem is not that you are sharing your goals with other people. The real problem is that you are sharing your goals with the WRONG people.

Why Some People Can't Resist Raining On Your Parade?

You may ask, why do people constantly do this to you? They might be jealous. They might simply be mean-spirited. There is no one answer.

It does not matter why they do this to you. All that matters is that you realize they are doing this to you and that you take away as many opportunities as you can for them to do it in the future.

More Questions

What are some of the negative things the trolls in your life have done to you?

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

What are some things you CAN and WILL do to take away opportunities for them to interfere with your goals in the future.

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

The sooner you start doing these things the happier you will be.

Author's Bio: 

Stanley Bronstein is an attorney, CPA, author and professional motivational speaker.

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