It occurred to me the other day after overhearing a conversation when I was out shopping, that I should write down some of the thoughts, suggestions and techniques I use with my clients as part of our therapy sessions when they have decided that it is time to change their life. When they have decided that they want to take back control of their life and their actions by taking control of their thoughts and in that way creating their own life and future. These thoughts, suggestions and techniques are something that every one of us can use and benefit from.

Life often requires us to do many things that we really don't want to be doing. As a result of this we can get so used to the feelings of frustration, irritation loss of control and dissatisfaction, that it frequently becomes the norm. We start to believe that we will never get the chance to indulge ourselves in doing those things that we might actually want and choose to do. We can get so wrapped up in the mechanics of survival that we fail to recognize or respond to the opportunities for fun, love and abundance presented to us each and every day. Your life does not have to be determined by the whims, addictions and negative behavior patterns of those around you or even your own past. You have the power to take control. You have the power to live the life you dream of. You have the ability to empower yourself!

A big part of that power is your own self-talk.

The reality of this world we live in is that desire is the life force of energy streaming through us. It is our desires that keep us alive and magnetic. People without strong desires slowly whither away, living only shadow lives of who they were and who they were meant to be and it is our negative self-talk that destroys our desire by destroying the belief you can have what you want.

The more we allow the life force of desire to flow through us, the more vibrant, alive and connected we become and life just gets better and better. Feed that desire with your dreams and your visualizations. For every negative thought or image that comes into your mind, take the time and take control of your thoughts to think 100 times more about your hopes, dreams and desires. Take the time to remember each and every good thing that has happened not only throughout the day, but throughout your life. Every single thing that has made you laugh and feel all warm and toasty inside.

Allow these thoughts and your desires to flow through and around you. Use anything and everything at your disposal to remind you of your dreams . Cut out pictures, write your dreams in a journal, meditate, read something inspirational and get help “talking” to your subconscious with the aid of a recorded session. A recorded session will always be positive and can never be affected by your mood or a passing negativity. That is why they are so powerful. Use all of these tools over and over again and you will be amazed just how quickly your life can change and you can get a New Beginning.

Linda Simmon, C.Ht.

Author's Bio: 

After over 25 years of being a paralegal, Linda Simmon decided it was time to take a new direction with her life. She is a graduate of The Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the first nationally accredited school for hypnotherapy in the United States and is now dedicated to helping people get new beginnings. For more information on Linda, her CD’s, downloadable sessions, workshops and radio show, visit