Every day, countless people around the globe seek out guidance and information from professional psychics , mediums and the intuitive arts. And why not? It's a great way to gain additional support and confidence in your life journey. Today's internet and phone technology afford us an overwhelming number of choices and accessibility when it comes to information--like we've never before seen. A real sea of choices! But for some people, choosing the right practitioner can be downright stressful.

Believe it or not, when selecting an intuitive arts professional it's important that you listen to your own intuition and take the time to become aware of what you feel. Pay attention to the clues your own body is regularly ticking off as you go through the research process to making your decision.

What can you do to make choosing a professional less stressful and help ensure a good reading?1. Do your homework. Research, read articles, attend lectures, ask questions to those who have used professionals to have readings. Be sure to ask them what their expectations were, and how their practitioner met them. Ask yourself how your own expectations may be similar or different. Pay attention to how you feel about a practitioner's references, their on-line presentation, their voice, their office, their appearance, their ability to interact with you, and more.

2. Choose a practitioner that you feel drawn to. Remember, the intuitive arts are not a one size fits all. And one bad reading does not mean the whole thing is bunk--just like one bad dentist does not make them all quacks, or one bad romance mean that all romances are worthless. And likewise, what your friend may see as the perfect meal may be the complete opposite from you'd choose for yourself.

3. Use your intuition to be guided to the right practitioner at the right time. We are all different, some specializing in different things than others. Find the right professional to match your particular needs. Remember that as your needs change, so too can your practitioners.

4. Examine your expectations. Make sure that you are keeping it reasonable. Remember, you are an integral part of the process. Are you looking for miracles and cures? Do you want someone who speaks directly or metaphorically? Are you just looking to know that Aunt Jane is okay on the other side? Or will you need hard proof? Do you need a coach more than a psychic? All these things can affect who you select and how you will feel about the outcome.

5. Plan your session for when you have time to slow down and relax, doing some breathing or meditating on your intentions and expectations beforehand. Avoid scheduling something so that you are rushed for time, either before or after the appointment. Always be sober.

6. Remember that you have the power. No one can control you without your permission. Postpone, cancel or end a session if you are uncomfortable. Remember that ultimately, you are always responsible for you. When in doubt-don't.

7. If you have a less than successful encounter, be willing to look at the many possible reasons why. Revisit your expectations. Be willing to take responsibility for your role. Although professionals are human and do have bad days, most reputable ones are open to hearing from you and talking with you about your concerns. Use this experience as a way to learn and to grow.

Whether you plan your session six months in advance, or six seconds after you turn the corner and see a sign for tea leaves being read, paying attention to all or part of these steps can help make the process more fulfilling and meaningful.

Author's Bio: 

Laura Scott is an internationally renowned author, psychic, spiritual teacher, columnist, and channel for healing. She specializes in helping people understand the meaning of their unique soul journeys. Laura's insightful private phone readings and warm, down to earth style attract clients to her from all over the world. She has been called a Master Teacher and channel for healing, connecting people with their spirit guides, soul work, deceased loved ones, past lives and more. Her work has touched people from all walks of life, from Emmy award winners to Olympic athletes, to political figures, to everyday folks like yourself and your neighbors.

Laura is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Divining the Future, and creator of the Ancient Stardust Directional Cards™, Ancient Stardust Progress Journal™, and Ancient Stardust Tools for Change™ CD's. Laura’s Ancient Stardust Tools for Change™ products provide a variety of new options for spiritual growth and empowerment. It includes a new divination tool to understand the unseen energy at work in your life; a journal that increases intuition and demystifies the journaling process; and an assortment of guided meditation CD’s for all levels of meditation. Product information is available online by visiting Laura's website: http://www.AncientStardust.com .

Laura also writes a spiritual advice column, “Ask Laura” for OfSpirit.com along with many articles on metaphysics and spiritual growth. She is featured on BestPsychicMediums.com and Grief&Belief.com. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher, a health intuitive, and a Bach Flower practitioner. Her abilities as psychic, healer, facilitator and teacher lead her to many interesting cities. When she is not traveling, teaching or leading retreats to swim with wild dolphins in the Bahamas, Laura lives in quiet, rural New England.