If you could…would you invite someone immensely wise, loving, and powerful into your home? What about inviting a super-pure expression of God, like St. Francis, Archangel Michael, Krishna, or Kwan Yin?

Any request from the heart can bring results, but many of us don’t know this secret: We can issue a really big invitation. Instead of asking for just a short visit, or help with just one particular project, why not invite a Divine Being to take up residence in your aura permanently? This article shows you how.

To use this sacred technique, I do recommend that you start by reading through the following steps, tweak them to your satisfaction, and then go ahead and do them. You’d take that much time if this were a new recipe for potato salad, right?

1. Prepare yourself. Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Put on your yoga clothes. Do whatever you would normally do before going to God’s house—not terribly different from asking God to come into yours.

2. Create a sacred space, whatever that would mean to you. Perhaps you’ll light a candle or burn incense. Maybe you’ll stand in front of a favorite sacred picture or statue or symbol. Hold your favorite crystal. Put flowers upon an altar or do a puja.

Actually, creating this space could be as simple as closing your eyes, saying “Hello, God,” then noticing how you feel in your body.

3. Enter into your sacred space. If you have a favorite prayer, like the “Our Father,” start with that. If you have a favorite way to meditate, go there.

4. Now come the steps of invitation, bringing a Divine Being into your aura . Remove your shoes, which will help to ground your energy. Sit comfortably, with your head not supported. (Use that Lazyboy recliner afterwards.) Or kneel in prayer position, or sit in a lotus or half-lotus, whatever position is your favorite for a sacred ceremony.

5. Close your eyes and breathe deeply but comfortably for several minutes. Notice how you feel, just being you. Please don’t expect to have a particular experience that is supernatural, mystical or strange in any way. Being you has a certain familiarity—at least it had better!

And if you’re not used to being alone with yourself when the lights are off, as it were, now’s your chance. The experience of being YOU is the basis for consciously recognizing any spiritual experience. Forget any “supposed to’s” or expectations, including that popular favorite, “I’m not allowed to think.”

6. Return to normal breathing. Think the name of God and know that, instantly, you’ll be connected. Explain in words or pictures that you are doing a ceremony now to bring a Divine Being into your aura , and that you’ll gladly receive this it is appropriate.

7. Take another deep breath and notice how you feel. Here is where you receive a response from God. Your way of noticing how it feels to be you could involve any combination of physical sensations, emotions, sounds, visual experiences, hearing words, noticing fragrances, daydreams or cartoons, or other thoughts. Any of this matters. In fact, all of it matters.

Basically, if you feel good, count this as a go-ahead and continue with Step #8.

If you don’t feel good, you have received a “No” or a “Not now.” Ask God to give you whatever blessing is appropriate instead. Then, when you’re ready, open your eyes. Consider that you’ve received a spiritual upgrade, even if it wasn’t what you originally expected. That’s co-creation for you!

8. Choose a Divine Being whom you like. You can’t possibly choose wrong. Inside your own self, eyes still closed, have a conversation with the Divine Being. This may seem like a dialogue or a monologue. Either way is fine.Know that, as soon as you name this Being, you can become connected--regardless of whether or not this connection comes complete with a flashy, vivid experience. Spiritual life is not like TV, with its lurid special effects. There’s good reason why so many religions describe a still, small voice within.

9. Tell the Divine Being that you are interested in having Him or Her become part of your aura. Have any additional conversation you wish, including any questions that come to mind (or heart). After asking each question, take a deep breath and then sit, being you. Be alert to whatever you experience next because that’s when your answer will come.

10. Welcome that Divine Being into your aura. Say “Thank You” and know that you are connected. When you’re ready, open your eyes.

What will it mean to have a Divine Being in your aura? Any techniques you already use to pray, meditate or co-create with God will work better than ever.

I co-created this article with a Divine Being. Need I tell you which one? No.

Why not?

Sacred experience is different from public performance. Yes, I have neighbors who are so vocal about their inner teacher, they wear tee shirts like, “Jesus is my homeboy.”

Ironically, you’ll find a different approach as near as the New Testament, where it says that Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand up and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you, they have already been paid in full. But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.”

This advice, from Matthew 6.5-6, is good spiritual hygiene for anyone, regardless of religion . Whichever Divine Being helps you spiritually is nobody else’s business. Enjoy this sacred love relationship. Two’s company, you know.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree offers leading-edge techniques about reading auras, reading faces, skills as an empath. For more about her books and workshops (on three continents) click onto www.rose-rosetree.com .