As far back as the ancient Egyptians, enemas and other "cleansing rituals" were commonly used to rid the body of toxic waste products believed to cause disease and death . A simple cleansing program is the first and most important positive step you can take to establish and maintain the highest possible level of health and vitality. Periodic cleansing and detoxifying helps to open up the eliminative channels to keep the body systems running clean, uninhibited by toxin and waste buildup.

Cleansing the colon of waste through colon hydrotherapy has the added benefit of hydrating the colon, unlike laxatives which may be irritating, and have a dehydrating and habit forming effect. Cleansing reactions occur when you attempt to cleanse too quickly. You should not feel any intestinal discomfort, but cleansing will release a lot of old debris and toxins which might cause a brief healing crisis. Cleansing reactions may include but not limited to headache, skin eruption, constipation, and other symptoms you are suffering due to the accumulated toxic substances being released too quickly, but they will disappear gradually.

Alternative Health

Colon and bowel cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and alternative practitioners insist that it can be prevented by efficient hygiene procedures. In general, alternative practitioners maintain that an ill-functioning bowel is the source of all disease, and therefore keeping it clean will be an effective protection against this. Many alternative health practitioners consider some form of hydrotherapy for the bowel to be essential in the treatment of degenerative diseases. However, there are many decades of records and research from the alternative health care community that indicate that this therapy may have a valuable place in the treatment of degenerative diseases and toxic conditions. But keep in mind as you research complementary and alternative medicine that some therapies may improve your quality of life and others, even if used correctly, can harm you.

Healthy Diet

As mentioned previously, the types of foods that create intestinal problems are fatty fried, processed, overcooked food with chemicals and/or additives, sugar, caffeine, too much red meat, etc. One of the results of eating processed denatured foods is that this natural balance is upset, and food may begin to rot in the bowel instead of being processed. Foods that aid in effective detoxification include those that are limonene-rich like lemons or slightly bitter veggies like fennel broccoli or artichokes. Foods that are conducive to effective absorption and elimination are those with high water content such as fruits and vegetables and when eaten raw are abundant in living enzymes.

Proper cleansing is done through a healthy diet , high in fiber, low in fat, containing healthy foods like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, and brown rice, green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, and legumes, like black beans, pinto beans, green beans and even peanuts. So why put yourself through all that stress when you can easily take these supplements once or twice a day to enhance colon cleansing. The upper intestine is easy to take care of, just eat the right foods and make sure you have plenty of stomach acid and enzymes.

If you handle your body any other way than by eating only fresh, organically grown foods of plant origin, with plenty of pure water (about eight large glasses per day), you suffer from some degree of autointoxication. Even if you do treat your body to fresh, organically grown foods of plant origin, and you are older than 21 years, your colon is slow with age, and you also experience some degree of autointoxication.

Author's Bio: 

Aside from the benefits that fiber provides for your colon, it may also promote cholesterol health . Taking products and foods that have high amounts of fiber is a great start in cleaning the colon and can act as a real good cleanser. Find out more about Natural Colon Health

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products