Has your creativity felt blocked? Maybe the perspective of Energy Spirituality could help. Aura readings ( www.selfgrowth.com ) can bring new perspective to your favorite art form, according to Rose Rosetree, author of the international bestseller, " Aura Reading Through All Your Senses."

Related to yesterday's conversation with aura readings of several different databanks on Loreena McKennitt, www.selfgrowth.com , Tara made a great comment.

To give you context, I had described the songwriter/composer's creativity this way:

“Mostly, Loreena just writes it down. When she swims through the space in consciousness where the music finds her, Loreena shows the grace of a swan. Just enough of her stays present as an individual for her to notate the music. Otherwise, she is truly out of the way, surrendered to the experience.”

Tara wrote, "I just LOVE the feeling of [that]. Can you tell me, is this something that just “is”, on a gift level, or is this something that can be learned or otherwise acquired?

"That 'swimming through consciousness to where (art) finds you’ is a thing I long for, but find incredibly elusive. I feels like there is a complete disconnect between what I am feeling and wanting to express creatively, and my ability to visualize it or otherwise express it in tangible form.

"It is a constant frustration and I feel like I can’t really progress much further as I’d like to in the realms of art and creativity unless I can get past this…"


The process of creative flow is dear to my heart. Although I don't have an academic Ph.D. about this topic, I do bring the perspective of Energy Spirituality, plus my own journey. That includes horrible writer's block in high school and most of college. After I moved to metro D.C., for six years (yes, 6!!!!!! years), my all-consuming project in life was to clear up the massive goop at my throat chakra.

For weeks at a time, I lost my voice completely... and for no medical reason. Bit by bit, I put together the understanding of three pieces to the puzzle that I will share here. I really do believe than anyone willing to pay the price can develop a Divine Creative Flow.


That first thing is technique. An "artist" -- by which I mean illustration or painting or writing or composing, or any other art form that you care about -- needs to gain technical skill at the art form. There's no shortcutting around this. You can't merely say you're inspired and that will take care of all other matters.

I remember hearing a conversation once, between Machelle Small-Wright (the founder of Perelandra) and a healer, "Dee-Dee." As I remember it:

Dee-Dee: I'm just so inspired when I heal. I'm going to use your flower essences and do the other kinds of healing that I channel. Now that I have these boxes of your essences, I'm ready to go hang out my shingle.

Machelle: I wish you wouldn't, not yet. When people are coming to you with medical problems, it isn't enough to be inspired. Get a good knowledge of healing first. Study with someone you respect. Otherwise, there you'll be with someone who is suffering and you'll just be guessing what to do.


Remember when I was reading nominees for the Academy Awards? (Detailed readings of how their chakras changed in performance was sent in my monthly e-zine, to which you can subscribe for free by clicking this link. www.selfgrowth.com , And if you sign up for the zine now, you'll have access to the archives, so you can find that article. It could certainly shift your perspective when you watch movies.)

When many of the performers, especially the Best Actor nominees, changed so few of their chakras, you might have wondered, "What were they doing, then? How could they be nominated?"

Yet many performers have won by doing an interesting variation on business as usual with their chakras. To get all the technical things right about a performance has been good enough for audiences and the Academy. Most people, knowing zilch about aura readings (so far) will hardly know the difference.

Think of all those outer components to acting. You have to learn your lines. You must hit your marks. You must look right in every way. Then your voice has to sound good. You've got to emote.

It's a long list, just as there would be for every art form. If you were born knowing these things, like Susan Sarandon -- who, I've heard, never has taken a single acting lesson --you can always do regression therapy. ( www.selfgrowth.com )

Explore your last few lifetimes and you'll undoubtedly find plenty of study and striving in just that same line of work. (You also can release frozen blocks of energy ( www.selfgrowth.com ) related to the past.

Regression therapy is mostly about healing, ( www.selfgrowth.com ) at least the way I do it.)

Tara, I know you have paid your dues in that way, but since we are opening up this conversation to all our Blog-Buddies, this first piece of creativity really needs to be acknowledged.

Blog-Buddies, how many people do you know who are writing books but who have never bothered working in a shorter form? Sure, it's a big fad now. It also cheapens the art form. Maybe a little blogging will be preparation, or keeping a journal. Now, suddenly, a book-length creation is being attempted.

Sweet ambition! But to go there first without learning about the technical aspects of writing is a big mistake.

No woo-woo practices around energy fields, no prayer, no metaphysical anything can make up for a lack of technical skill if you really aim to excel at the arts.


Creativity doesn't just flow, any more than a body of water does. Which coast will that ocean touch? Which river starts where? Is sourced where? Flows into which welcoming place?

Sometimes a person's art form is stuck because you have outgrown the old form. To be blunt, you no longer love this particular audience, the form in which you're working, etc.

In a way, this is a technical problem. Sometimes the solution is simple. Let's say you're working on articles for a series of books . You've worked on this series for ages and, although you've grown a bit weary of the subject matter, those greenbacks you're paid still taste mighty fresh to you and your family .

You might find the flow-through limited until you make up your own "back story" or "front story" about a context for that book series. Let the boss trouble herself with what she's going to do.

As far as you're concerned, that series of books is now about bringing in an age of Enlightenment for humanity. Or there is one particular reader who really, really needs your help. Every day you imagine one such reader. You keep him in mind before you type a single word.

Or maybe you're doing piece work and you need to tell yourself it is one part of a much longer, significant opus. The opposite might be true, as well. Instead of thinking, "I must complete more pages of this long novel" you could just make today's scope of work those few pages. Make it your whole world.

As the artist, you always get to choose.

When the context for your art form is, "I'm doing this to show the world what a great job I can do" or something similar, you're limiting the creative flow. So set the process up right, just for you, just for this one unique opportunity to co-create with God.


Hey, let's save that for tomorrow. Meanwhile, add your comments and stories at my blog, DEEPER PERCEPTION MADE PRACTICAL ( www.selfgrowth.com ) . This thread could change your life!

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment www.selfgrowth.com , Aura Transformation www.selfgrowth.com , Regression Therapy www.selfgrowth.com .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings www.selfgrowth.com , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an expert on Aura here at self-growth.com. www.selfgrowth.com

Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website, www.selfgrowth.com .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” www.selfgrowth.com , all about energy fields.

*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" www.selfgrowth.com

*"Empowered by EMPATHY” www.selfgrowth.com

*“The Power of FACE Reading” www.selfgrowth.com

*“Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.” www.selfgrowth.com

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here: www.selfgrowth.com

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at www.selfgrowth.com or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at www.selfgrowth.com

Additional Resources covering Aura can be found at:

Website Directory for Aura
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Rose Rosetree, the Official Guide To Aura