Myth of Silence

Silence as a survival tool.

Generations of children have been sexually abused. It was done to them in secret and they remain silent. Not talking about the painful childhood experiences has been a survival tool. The shame and secrecy that surrounds sexual abuse of children keeps everyone silent.

This was not your fault!

Getting help and support is an essential and practical way of dealing with childhood sexual abuse .

It is not a sign of weakness and failure.

Sharing the Pain

The silence and secrecy are now being broken as Survivors of childhood sexual abuse are learning they are not alone. They are reclaiming their sense of worth and self-respect. Until recently, the sexual abuse of a child was thought to be a terrible but rare event. Since the 1980s, however, an increasing focus has been given to sexual abuse on television, newspapers, radio and magazines . As more and more Survivors break the silence and speak out it is becoming clear that an enormous amount of people were abused as children.

Many Survivors, however, have carried the secret of their abuse to the grave; others still carry the burden of that secret and suffer in silence.

You are not alone...

One of the worst aspects of sexual abuse is often the sense that you are ‘the only one’. Logically you know this isn’t so, but if you don’t personally know people who have been molested as children, you can feel isolated and alone. If you are a victim, please know that what happened was not your fault. You deserve the help and support you need to heal.

Nearly everyone who is healing from sexual abuse has had help, and plenty of it (myself included). They have received help from many different areas: Friends and family ; Counsellors; Psychiatrists; Psychotherapists; Support and survivor groups.

No matter how great your pain today, you can not only heal but thrive. You need these three critical principles in achieving healing from sexual abuse.

• Support: You are probably still dealing with the effects of sexual abuse in your life today. Ignoring the effects only adds to your feelings of isolation and chaos in your life. In isolation you found safety and silence but you have not find the wholeness your soul aches for. By embracing the deep pool of courage within; a safe supportive environment, joining with others who have had similar experiences, you will break the isolation and silence the shame.

• Healing and Clarity: You don't have to live with the effects of sexual abuse creating chaos in your life. Learning gentle, empowering emotional releasing techniques, life affirming step by step processes, tools that support you in healing and finding your voice, you begin to learn that you are no longer defined by the ghosts of your past as you forge ahead with clarity and peace in your heart. You will calm the fear and chaos.

• Connection to your Inner Guru: Healing, strength, confidence, certainty, wholeness, peace, answers, safety, passion , everything that's important about who you are, is reclaimed and renewed through reconnecting to your inner guru (the quite voice within). When you access and live in accordance with your inner guru, even your most challenging questions will be answered.

While you may have experienced all three, you may not have a consistent method of integrating them all into your daily life. You manage to incorporate some of these principles into your day, depending on how you feel on the day. You feel like your life takes one step forward and ten back. Life feels like a struggle. You might put these into practise for a little while but when it gets hard you abandon them.

Your healing is as unique as your thumb print.

That’s why I have created a f'ree 20 week e-course title, "Care Notes".

Reach out and get the support you deserve here: . Receive your daily dose of caring and support here.

Author's Bio: 

Gail O’Keeffe is an Author and highly experienced Inspirational Mentor for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Gail helps women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse to fast track their healing and empowerment utilising cutting edge energy psychology techniques.

She has facilitated and conducted numerous online TeleClasses and Your Growing Joy Mentoring sessions.

Gail’s greatest gift is her genuine love of people. She has a very warm and nurturing personality, a wonderful sense of humour, in-depth intuition, with a natural ability to reach out to others and touch their hearts.

Gail has encountered many changes throughout her life. This stirred the passion to study and embrace tools, strategies and techniques that has enabled her to navigate her sometimes very difficult path of life.

She has now integrated that wealth of information with her own experiences and developed a common sense approach for overcoming the trauma of childhood sexual abuse.

Gail brings a special brand of empathy to her role as a Mentor, teaching empowering cutting edge strategies and techniques to women that assists them to lead happier and more fulfilled lives.

She specialises in mentoring, supporting, facilitating, and inspiring women to live successful, happy and content lives. Free of indecision, guilt, stress, confusion and painful histories.

Gail is also the founder of Care Notes: Discover the little joys of life!

A 20 week f'ree e-course for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Visit here: to receive your weekly dose of self-care.

Gail resides in Brisbane, Australia with her husband of 24 years, her two children and cat.

Qualifications:Inspirational Mentor, Author, Survivor, Certified Life Transformation Coach and Teacher, Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Pellowah Healing Technique©, Kinesiology, Shell Essences, Aura Light Healing, Faculty Member of I.I.H.S.C., Undertaking Diploma of Counselling, Majoring in Abuse, Grief & Loss.