As Einstein said time is a stubborn illusion. In our daily lives, time is probably the most experienced certainty and worldly reality. There is no more precious entity than time. Even those who have acquired enormous wealth, power, and fame, suffer from the absolute scarcity of time. All those who have been victorious in worldly battles have lost to or will ultimately be defeated by time – it is only a matter of time.

Time is a relative reality experienced by the body and mind or ego. Dissolution of time for the body is against the laws of physics. But dissolution of time experienced by the psyche is possible via dissolution of the mind itself. While body cannot be dissolved until death, mind or ego can be dissolved via realization or awareness of the ultimate and eternal universal reality thru inner awakening. While body will remain a victim of the passing time and suffer from aging , disease, and ultimate death , boundaries of the convictions of the mind can be dissolved via living in the moment thru realization of the inner self.

Dissolving time is synonymous with enlightenment , consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, or egolessness. Ironically, when such a state of being is achieved, all intents that are nothing but subtle desires of the mind or ego based in the future of time, also dissolve. Even the intent to dissolve time dissolves with the dissolution of time.



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