Which sort of Life Production have you chosen for yourself?
Is it a thriller?
Is it a romance?
Is it a horror?
Is it science fiction?
Is it an adventure?
Is it comedy?
Or maybe something else?
What role do you fulfil in your Life Production?
Is it a starring role?
Or a walk on bit part?
Who else is in the cast?
Did you hold auditions or did the cast sorta pick itself?
Just run a check now on the cast in your life production. Also check on who is doing the editing. It should be you, but maybe you are letting someone else control the plot.
When you discover that someone is not fulfiling the role they have in your life production you need to seriously think why that is and maybe even replace them.
You may even have to rewrite your own life script and re-cast yourself in a role more in keeping with your life ambitions.
Use the power of positive imaginings, always ‘see’ yourself achieving in advance of action.
Experience the feelings of accomplishment and enjoying the associated benefits, ‘the pay off’.
Olympic athletes and professionals in many others arenas of accomplishment use this technique to increase their chances of success.
Intuition also can and does make a difference.
Pay heed to those thoughts that seem to come from nowhere and yet are relevant to a situation you may be faced with.
Do not prejudge these thoughts. Do not instantly dismiss them. Write them down, contemplate on them and then decide if you will make use of them.
Encourage these intuitive thought processes, do not stifle them. They are given you freely by the Genie of your imagination .
Malcolm Milligan has a hands on commercial and business background in sales management, training and coaching.
He has been closely involved in the personal and business life development of many hundreds of individulals over the past 35 years.
Malcolm was fortunate to be a long term student of the late Doctor George Hall who dedicated his life to creating a blueprint for personal life transformation,'Human Cybernetics'which was in part a further development of the work of Doctor Maxwell Maltz (a close friend of Doctor Hall)whose publication Psychocybernetics has sold millions of copies throughout the world.
Malcolm has continued the work of the late Doctor Hall and in tribute to him is now proud to offer the Inner Mind transformation course 'How to Master Your Destiny'.
Malcolm is also an accomplished DISC behavioural profiling text writer, trainer and coach.
Currently he is developing TeamFacilitate this is in the final stages of development. It is an online programme for overcoming Team Inertia and will be of particular interest to companies who use Belbin, Myers Briggs or DISC profiling systems.
In addition to his commercial endeavours Malcolm was up until the recent past a successfull sports coach and team manager.
His preferred sport is Rugby Union and he was particularly proud earleir this year to see many of the players from a youth team he managed in 2000 win a major competition at Twickenham, the home of English Rugby Union.