Please your senses first. What you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch make a difference in your stress level. The following are general examples of how to please your senses to reduce stress.

Sight — Why do we go on vacation? Usually it’s because we need to relax and see something new or different. Most of us live in crowded cities where our neighbor is within an arm’s reach. We are surrounded by buildings or freeways — not a pretty sight. To please your sight, go find something beautiful — a beach, the mountains, or maybe a forest and enjoy the view.

Hearing — Quiet the outside noises and plug in a relaxing tune. Music is soothing, especially instrumental sounds that induce relaxation . There are several CDs and DVDs available that offer nature sounds to quiet the soul.

Taste — When you have a meal, do simply that: have the meal. Turn off the television, hang up the phone, stop working, and focus only on the taste of the food you’re eating. You will enjoy your food much more if you pay attention to the enjoyment of the food rather than multitasking over your dinner plate.

Smell — Burn scented candles. As noted before, aromatherapy scents are known to relax you. Try peppermint oil or other essential oil scents. Spray a scented air freshener in your car. Try a “new car” scent to give you that same feeling you had when you first bought your new car.

Touch — There are many ways to please your sense of touch. Give or receive a massage . Pet your cat or dog. Hug somebody you love. Hold a baby — babies are soft and fresh and can help relax your body.

It’s only natural to use your senses to reduce stress.

For more free tips on relieving your daily stress, visit A Stress Free Life at .

Author's Bio: 

Carol Denbow is the author of three books including “Stress Relief for the Working Stiff, How to Reverse the Embalming Effect.” Visit Carol’s Website at .