Today, as the financial upheaval ripples through the economy, more and more employees are affected, and for those still on the job, there is increasing stress. Employees and managers alike are asking themselves if they'll be the next to go, just as company owners are asking the same question of their companies. So there is more of a survival of the fittest game going on than ever, as employees and managers struggle to stay in place and not be ousted.

So what can you do to not merely survive but even thrive in these tough times? Here are some thoughts that come immediately to mind, so you feel less stress whatever happens and are more likely to come out ahead.

- Do some relaxation exercises , so you feel less tense and anxious, which will enable you to better cope with everyday activities and perform at your best.

- Notice where the points of tension are at work and think about what you might do to smooth things over, whether that involves talking to someone or taking on extra responsibilities. Then go do it.

- Be willing to work harder and take on extra responsibilities even if you are not being paid more -- or are even being paid less. When things improve again, people will remember and you will reap the rewards accordingly.

- Remind yourself that other people are even more badly affected by the financial meltdown than you, and consider volunteering to help those who are; you'll feel much better for being of service to others.

- Create a wish list and imagine you have achieved your wishes . Then, imagine what you might do to achieve them. Just thinking this way will help you not only feel better but put you on the path to getting what you want.

- Think of what you can do to brighten up your day and others' day at work with some little fun activities. Then, seek to put these in action. You'll help in dispelling the mood of doom and gloom that pervades many workplaces to day, and your initiative can help you not only stay on the job but get ahead at work when the good times come back.

For more ideas on how to achieve these ends, you can see some chapters from my books Want It, See It, Get It ( ) or Enjoy: 101 Little Ways to Add Fun to Your Work Everyday ( * * * * * *

Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D. is the author of over 50 books and a seminar and workshop leader, specializing in work relationships and professional and personal development. Her latest books include Want It, See It, Get It and Enjoy! 101 Little Ways to Add Fun to Your Work Everyday , both from AMACOM. Gini’s Websites are: and .

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