This article is based on a radio interview with Romanus Wolter on Entrepreneur
Radio, .

How to Create Your Business Vision with a Capital V

1. Why is it that some business owners persevere after several disappointmentswhile others, maybe even the listeners, give up?

A: It is through the power of vision. Your vision can be an inspiring,
energizing idea that you can use to excite others. You need a vision to be more
effective, more desirable and more attractive to your clients and customers.

2. What is the value of a business vision?

A: Everything you do, the people you speak with, the clients you attract are all
a result of your vision. The right vision for your business will help you be
more satisfied with your business and generate more abundance and wealth. With a
true business vision, all your decisions are easily made because all your
decisions are in alignment with your vision.

3. How do you know if your current vision is good enough for your business?

A: It is not so much about your vision being good enough, it is about having a
vision that is clearly visionary. I recently interviewed several entrepreneurs ,
independent professionals and business owners. I concluded that what they
thought was their business vision was actually outcomes or results they provided
for their clients. These outcomes, while great, were goals, not in any way
visionary. To reinvent your current vision to a Vision with a Capital V, it
needs to be mind-blowing phenomenal. If it can be put into words and pictures, it can be achieved.

4. I already have business goals. Why do I need a business vision?

A: Goals are specific, measurable realistic outcomes or results, usually
completed by a specific date. Tasks or assignments support the completion of thegoals. Goals, in turn, support your mission and vision statements. Goals,
mission statements and vision are usually aligned with your values.

A goal example is as follows: ABC Company will release two new computer programs
in the United States by end of the year 2005.This supports the Business Vision
example of: US-Based ABC Company is the only software provider to global

5. How can a business vision increase my income?

A: A Vision with a Capital V will not only increase your income, you will also
get better clients and customers. Clarity about who you are and what you do is
supported by your vision. The more you focus on what your clients want and need,
the easier it will be for them to see and understand your contributions. Opportunities abound when you have a clear vision. The
larger your vision, the easier it is to attract more money.

6. What is the first step we can take to make your vision a reality?

A: First, eliminate any individual or challenge standing in your way, real or
perceived. Then find a quiet space, have a tape recorder or journal handy aswell as an hour of free time. Answer the following questions with as much detail
as possible: (there are more...I will provide you with four)

1. What does your business look like? Does it provide all the resources yourequire?

2. Is your life rewarding? How?

3. Where are you living? Be as specific as possible.

4. Are you living the life of your dreams ? What does it look like?

7. What strategies can I use to help keep my vision alive?

A: It can be easy to lose momentum, to give up part of your dream. We all need
support and tools to inspire us on a daily basis. In my latest book, I have a
chapter entitled Seven Strategies to Keep your Vision Alive. The list includes: Values, Meditation , and Inner and Outer
Vision Teams. Many entrepreneurs think they can do it all alone, that no one can
keep up with them. It's possible, but you will use up all your skills, strength
and talent. The Outer Vision Team is where the real world action takes place.
Many results come from the real world. Your Outer Vision team must first have a
Mentor, someone who will hold the dream for you. Second, everyone on your team
must have values that are in alignment with your values. Third, keep the team
small. You can have as few as three others to make your vision a reality.

8. What else can I do to keep my Vision with a Capital alive?

A: Continue to see yourself as the best in your field. See yourself as the best
coach, consultant, real estate broker or publicist. Redefine your website to
reflect your new vision. See yourself surrounded by inspirational geniuses, all
waiting for what you hve to say. Know that dreams never die, but that dreams
require action. You have a responsibility to create an action plan. If you follow al the
instructions in my book, your vision will become a reality.

As you can see, it takes the power of Vision With a Capital V to
help create the business of your dreams. If you want to expand your business andexpand your life, follow these eight steps to experience the life of your


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Author's Bio: 

Joanne Victoria, co-founder of Gemma & Bixley and a Professional Business Intuitive, has been a business practitioner for over 25 years as a Real Estate Broker/Owner, CFO of an investment company, CFO and Sales & Marketing Director of a home-building company and CEO of her former business, New Directions. Joanne provides insights into Big Picture outcomes for clients and offers action steps essential to make dreams come alive.

Victoria guided numerous organizations from insecure financial circumstances to increased levels of success.

Joanne is the author of 5 books including: Vision With a Capital V- Create the Business of Your Dreams, Lighting Your Path-How To Create the Life You Want, How To Achieve Your Dream Business and Pushy For a Moment-Instant Solutions to Everyday Challenges.

Joanne’s observations on what people can do to succeed have been reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, national Business Journals, Success Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Marie Claire magazine and national television and radio programs.

Joanne‘s ability to see the big picture allows her to leap over logic presented by circumstances and individuals. Joanne’s philosophy cultivates methods for identifying commanding life choices, then trusting those choices to promote growth.