In the complete human body feet are the mist strained and worked out part, but inspite of this are the most neglected one also. Lack of proper care for feet result in many problems like corns and bunions, cracks, infections and ingrown nails. Massaging the feet each night with oil is relaxing and keeps them soft and supple. In winter warm oil can be used with sesame or mustard oil. In summer coconut oil provides a cooling effect.

Foot ulcers and amputations are a major cause of morbidity, disability, as well as emotional and physical costs for people with diabetes. Early recognition and management of independent risk factors for ulcers and amputations can prevent or delay the onset of adverse outcomes. This position statement provides recommendations for people who currently have no foot ulcers.

In order to maintain healthy feet you must make an effort and care for your feet. This can prevent many foot conditions that affect the feet. The sooner you start caring for your feet the sooner they will care for you. It is essential your foot health becomes a daily routine. Just as healthy teeth, hair and skin are important, so are healthy feet. Below is Dr Foot’s 20 foot care tips. If you suffer from diabetes, please consult a State Registered Chiropodist before you follow any instructions.

Tips for Foot Care

Take care of your feet regularly to keep calluses under control. Use a pumice stone or an abrasive foot scrub to remove the dead and rough skin. If this skin is not removed it will become hard and thick and can become cracked and infected making walking difficult.

Check your feet daily for cuts, blisters, bruises or colour changes, swelling and open sores. Report them to your healthcare team without delay. Use a mirror to see the soles of your feet or, if this is difficult, seek help from someone else.

Don’t ignore pain: Painful feet are not normal. Many foot conditions can be cured if you visit a chiropodist as early as possible.

Always wash your feet with soap and water. Take care to wash between your toes. Dry your feet carefully, especially between the toes. Use oil or lotion to keep your skin soft.

Trim toe nails with a nail trimmer. Cut them straight across and not too short. Do not cut down the corner as this cam lead to in growing toenails. Patients with diabetes should have their nails cut by a State Registered Chiropodist.

Replace your shoes every 6 months as well-worn shoes lose their ability to support your feet properly. This can lead to feet, leg and back fatigue and problems. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day it is best you change your shoes every 6 months.

Live on my feet ten hours a day. At some point, my heels got so badly cracked, they would catch on the carpet, and no mere moisturizing helped. If you've tried everything to mend calloused, painfully cracked heels and nothing worked, look for Callex Ointment.

During the fitting process, make sure there is enough space (3/8" to 1/2") for your longest toe at the end of each shoe when you are standing up.

Give your feet a foot bath. Put a cup of marbles in the bath water and roll your feet around on top of them to stimulate the nerve endings. Pick up the marbles with your toes, flex and contract your feet and toes and then let go off the marbles. This will allow the arches and muscles of the feet to stretch.

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