If you are a college student, and you are considering applying for your first job, you may find that there are many unique opportunities open to you. There are many employers who make it a point to hire college students. They enjoy feeling like they are making a difference. Or maybe they are remembering their own college days and they just want to extend a helping hand. Whatever the reason, they are willing to schedule around classes and they may even offer you an opportunity to stay with them after college. Of course, once you have the degree, they will also be willing to pay you a lot more money too.

Naturally, the type of job you select will be determined by that amount of college hours you have scheduled. If you have a full schedule you may find that the college itself will have jobs that can give you extra money and work into your schedule. Professors are always looking for students willing to help out with research, classroom work or tutoring other students. Just keep in mind that no matter who you decide to choose as an employer, you need to make a good impression; you never know what new opportunities may come your way from the connections you are making now.

It is important to be a good employee. Smile, be pleasant and above all else, you need to be a team player. Show the other employees the proper respect. They know how to do the job and if you treat them with respect, they will be more willing to teach you the tricks of the trade, which can make your job easier. Be willing to pitch in and help others to get the job done.

Do the job you were hired to do. Give this job, no matter how small, your full attention. Listen carefully to any job instruction, pay attention to those around you and watch how they do the job. You need to fit in, to be part of the team, but you also need to do your job to the best of your ability. Do not treat other employees as if you know more than they do, you are not the veteran employee, they are. Keep in mind that your true success may depend on the other employees. It does not matter how much training you were given or which courses you may have had, it is the regular employees who really know how the job is done and if they like you, they will be your real teachers.

While you are a college student you have the luxury of picking and choosing the jobs you would like to try. Take advantage of this time. Test different fields if you want, the contacts you are making now can create more opportunity that you can imagine and at the very least, they will provide great recommendations when you need them. The work you do now will help you to make the right career choice, the one which will give you the most satisfaction and the most success.

Author's Bio: 

David Couper is a career coach and writer who for the last twenty years has worked in Europe, Asia, and in the USA with major organizations including the BBC, Fuji Television, Mattel, Sony, and Warner Bros.

He has successfully coached individuals at all levels including CEOs of major companies wanting a new challenge, frustrated souls wanting to make their dream come true, and front-line employees laid off and desperate to get a job.

David has published seven books. His works on interpersonal skills, counseling in the workplace, and management issues (published by Connaught, Gower, HRD Press, Longman, Macmillan/Pearson Publishing, Oxford University Press) have been translated into Swedish, Polish, and Danish, and published in the UK and the USA.

David has a degree in Communication, a postgraduate qualification in education, is certified in a number of training technologies, and has a Masters in Psychology. He is a member of the American Society of Training and Development, Society of Human Resources Professional, Writers Guild and the British Academy of Film and Television.

He has dual US/UK citizenship and speaks French and Japanese.

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