Eight years ago I was going through a very painful divorce . We had been married 23 years. I had the intention to be married forever, and most painful of all, it was my decision. Once we separated, I realized I hardly knew myself. I had been pretty co-dependently caring for my husband and our children our entire marriage . I didn't really know who I was or what I wanted.

I began a number of processes to untangle my feelings and find myself. One of the many resources I tapped into was taking a summer-long course on The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. It was taught by a female minister at church my friend attended. Once a week I showed up with this fun group of mostly women,where we shared in small groups what we had most wanted when we were kids. I had wanted a bike and couldn't have one for the longest time and oddly enough, at this point in my life, that was something I was wanting! We created collages of our childhood dreams . We learned about Morning Pages, a task that allowed me to just vent and scream and let it go. It was a very enlightening process.

Fast forward to today. I am a newly self-employed person, working hard to build my business and be of service, presenting my work from my heart. Sometimes I am so focused on that goal, I forget to take time for me, to listen to my heart, to pay attention to my inner kid.

I really believe in the material offered in this book so I am offering this 12 week course to my clients and anyone else who wants to join in. This will be a teleclass, which means anyone can call in from anywhere. I'm planning to use material and exercises in the book plus a few additional resources. I think this is a great class to use in a group format. Not only do you get the support, insight and connection of a group, you get the guidance and support of an experienced coach.

I personally am looking forward to the experience with much enthusiasm. I know the benefits this brought to me before. Now, as I move boldly into new territory in 2009, I can't wait to see what it will bring!

Author's Bio: 

Coach Cindie is a graduate of Coach U, a Certified Retreat Coach, a Certified Seasons of Change Facilitator and a Laughter Yoga Leader.

She leads retreats for women only or for men and women that are focused on helping participants get closer to their true self. Using the beauty and wonder of nature, creative exercises and group coaching, her retreats give people a place to relax, get in touch with their own inner voice, and find greater peace.

She conducts one-on-one coaching with anyone wanting to break through an obstacle on the path to their happiness.

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