A particular theme has come up time and again over the last few weeks, which is a sign it’s not to be dismissed.

  • At the manifesting seminar last month, Koelle talked about how bizarre it is to horses (and animals in general) when we humans try to manhandle our feelings by pretending not to feel something we are. (Which is exhausting to practice over time; it takes a lot of energy to try to squash feelings.)
  • In a book I picked up at the airport ( Change Your Brain, Change Your Life ), author Dr. Amen mentions the importance of letting yourself acknowledge and feel what you’re really feeling in order to overcome anxiety and depression .
  • In The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process , author Dr. Berceli also stresses how crucial it is we let ourselves feel what we feel, otherwise the body ends up paying the price for it and we never experience mental peace .
  • Some of my favorite work is renowned life coach Tom Stone’s “feel your feelings” advice, which I recently posted to my Perfect Clients group forum.
  • One of our blog community members touched on this subject in their comment; which a few of you inquired about.

So it seems appropriate to devote a blog post to this topic …

Why do we need to be reminded to feel our feelings? A couple of reasons:

  1. most of us don’t realize how important it is.
  2. especially law of attraction savvy people sometimes get nervous when they’re flowing something “negative.”
  3. and most of us have been socially conditioned throughout life to avoid expressing certain feelings (we judge certain feelings as not cool).

Which just gets us in trouble.

After all, we’re human - we’re gonna have a variety of feelings . That’s part of the POINT of being human, isn’t it?! We get to experience the whole amazing range!

So when that happens, and a feeling comes up that we deem as not worthy or wrong in some way, we then enter denial and create resistance.

(In fact, Martha Beck said that when you feel a strong feeling come up, if you just let yourself feel it, it’ll take roughly 90 seconds or so to come and go. But if we deny it, we can get stuck in it for decades.)

From a law of attraction perspective, when I’m irritated but I try not to be -either because it’s not a reaction others appreciate, or because I don’t want to acknowledge that I am capable of the lower vibrations, or whatever reason I might have for disavowing this feeling - when I try not to feel something I’m feeling, I just get even more enmired in it.

Which means the feeling of irritation lasts longer; the vibration gets stronger (because like attracts like and thus more things begin to irritate me), and I’m off my best game.

When I get irritated, and I let myself feel it, it passes. Sooner rather than later.

When we feel what we feel we don’t get stuck in the feelings we don’t want to dwell in.

It’s actually the exact opposite of what you might expect, right? Some LOA savvy folks are nervous that if we acknowledge the “negative” feeling then we attract results that match. But the truth is we attract those things when we get enmired in the feeling by denying it over time.

From the Shrinking It post earlier this month Wakati says:

Funny thing happened to me last night. I admitted to my boyfriend that I was afraid about our finances. The instant I said it, the charge went away, the bubble deflated, and I was fine with all of it. All of a sudden, I really believed what I had been affirming, that all is well, that there really is abundant supply.

Since that worked so well, I decided to spend some time today working writing down all the things that I’m afraid of … Pure relief. I’d been fighting so much. I feel like the gates opened.

This gives you a sense of what’s possible when we acknowledge what we’re feeling, right? Freedom, relief, possibility.

So my invitation to you is to become more accepting of whatever feelings come up for you throughout daily life: the good, the bad and the ugly. When you release the judgment you may have held for certain feelings, or free yourself from caring about what others’ may think about you for feeling it, and simply let yourself feel whatever comes up, my prediction is you’re going to find a much more enjoyable ride.

For those of you who already practice this, I’d love to hear about your experiences! And for those who may not be sold that this is the way to go, let’s hear what you’re thinking. This is an important subject!

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.