Facing Your Fear

One of the most interesting things one can learn about fear is that it never really goes away until you’ve faced it or dealt with it. In attempting to avoid fear or to suppress anger, unresolved problems can become lodged in the body in some form of pain or illness.

Anger is actually, ‘fear’ pretending to be brave.

Fear or unexpressed anger can make you sick, so ill you’ll escape the setting in which the perceived danger exists. If the supposed threat is in the work place, you will take yourself home with the flue, a bad cold, or a sore throat. If that’s your situation, you might want to ask yourself, “What fear am I not facing?.—what stressful issue am I avoiding?”

You can try to hide from your fears, or sweep them under the rug, but that’s not facing them, is it? Your fears will still be there, haunting you. And since you can’t really hide or escape from fear, why not be ready to deal with your fear as soon as it shows up to rattle your cage?

The only path out of fear is a walk through it.

It is a rule of life, that success is possible, only after you’ve faced your fear of both success and failure. Or here’s another way to say it; To achieve success, while trying not to fail, would be next to impossible. So, if you intend to succeed in life, why not make, ‘facing fear’ the top item on your prioritized to-do list?

How does one face fear?

Fear is your ego mind’s early warning signal; it is your built-in survival system, warning you of some perceived danger. But your ego sees every proposed change of circumstances as a threat to its survival. So, some dangers will be real, but most will be a product of your ego’s wild imagination .

So, your first step out of fear would be to notice that it’s your ego, not the Real You fearing the outcome of that venture. Then make it okay that your ego is afraid and thank your ego for warning you of a possible danger.

Once the Real You has acknowledged the presence of fear, analyze the perceived threat and do one of two things:
1. decide how you will deal with any real danger, and
2. dismiss any false danger signals.

Most of ego’s fears are based on some unreal, imagined danger. As the saying goes, FEAR is merely, False Evidence Appearing Real. So, ask yourself, “Is the threat real or imagined?”

If the perceived threat is a real danger, a possible undesirable ending to your current situation,
1. Go ahead an imagine the worst possible outcome2. Assume the worst has already happened and make that okay
3. Then choose to take an inspired action that could save the day.

What’s required here is to take charge of your fears, to take your attitude out of the mud and into the stars, to focus your attention on what can be and not on what might happen if. Spirit will win the day, always with enthusiasm, joy and a gung-ho attitude . Ego’s fears, if not faced, will lose the game for you!

So, if your fears are not based on solid evidence,

4. Logically concluding that there is nothing real to fear but fear itself5. Do the thing you feared.

If your fears are illogical, allow yourself to see those fears as a product of your ego mind; the Real You will not be afraid. Think of your ego as your six-year old inner child, afraid of the dark. To dispense with ego’s fears, you’ll want to show your fearful inner child that there is no boogie man in the closet or under the bed.

You’ll convince your ego with calm and reassuring logic, that there really is nothing to fear. Fear disappears in the light of truth like darkness ceases to exist when the light comes on. Darkness is not a thing, in and of itself; it is merely the absence of light, and, like darkness, fear is nonexistent in the light of Real truth.

In dealing with your fears, just keep remembering what happens to the darkness when you turn on the light.

Your first step in dealing with ego fears, is to remember that you are not your ego. Your ego is afraid; The Real You is not! Objectively, allow yourself to see that your fears were a fabrication of your ego’s imagination ; that there is nothing real to fear.

So, which do you fear the most—success or failure. It may surprise you to learn that you fear success far more than you fear failure. Why is that? Ego’s greatest fear in life is that you will somehow discover just how powerful you really are. Obviously, the Real You—the Spirit of God in you fears nothing.

Author's Bio: 

Author’s Bio
Darel Rutherford - Author, Being Workshop Facilitator, Coach, Public Speaker, Business Man - www.richbits.com darel@richbits.com

Darel is the author of many books, the best known are ”Being The Solution”, “So, Why Aren’t You Rich?” and “To God Or As God”.

Darel’s books and workshops give people the life-tools they need to change their way of Being, relative to whatever they perceive to be a problem. The Being Workshops are based on Darel’s second book “Being The Solution”.

In Darel’s first book “So, Why Aren’t You Rich?” he writes about a time in his life when he was desperate for a solution to the problems of his failing business. That is when he discovered the philosophy that would transform the quality of his life and turn his failing business into a roaring success.

Since discovering those life-changing truths, his mission has been to pass on those principles to anyone ready to listen. The message in his books will transform the quality of your life forever.