What do you, personally, believe about Enlightenment? Aura readings and empathic merges
will show it quite clearly because, here at Earth School, Consequences R Us.

It makes no difference whether or not you are bold enough to write a Guest Post, as has been done here on previous days by our generous contributors Elise LeBeau, Ceci Miller, Rebecca of "Magical Buffet" Magazine, Dr. Ron Scolastico, and Dr. Char.

Never having considered the topic isn't going to make any difference, either, arguably: Foggy or clear, conscious or not, you have chosen a pattern for your life. It includes goals, beliefs, and daily choices about enlightenment. These really do add up.

Where does that way of being show clearly? God is in those details, and they're plain as day, right in your energy field

So you can find a photo of anyone, read it, and know a great deal about that person's spiritual path.

It's interesting to contrast those ideals, that path, with the out-picturing in the believer's aura . Intuitive readings and spiritual readings of all kinds can provide perspective, but the simple data is right there, plain vanilla, in aura readings.
That is what I'm going to do, in a short tour, here.


Enlightenment became a burning quest for me in 1969, when I began to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I spent years in his presence before leaving his Movement some 17 years later. Consequently, I held very specific notions about different levels of Enlightenment .

According to that model, spiritual enlightenment begins with tiny experiences of transcendence. With regular practice, they add up to a permanent, all-time awareness of being spiritually awake inside. Then there is a development of God consciousness, which include the glorious experiences of subtlest reality that I call " aura readings." This leads to an experience of moving, at will, in and out of the in-depth experience of being other people, dubbed "Unity" by Maharishi and "Empathic Merges" by me.

No longer do I believe, strictly, in Maharishi's definitions. Instead, I consider enlightenment to mean "identifying with your spiritual consciousness." (If you have read "Empowered by Empathy" you may remember a fairly comprehensive discussion about this.)

One of Maharishi's great, visionary achievements was to include the whole mind-body-spirit system in his definition of enlightenment . He spoke of "releasing all stress" from the nervous system, praising regular meditation practice as a way to cultivate a physiology of enlightenment .

Unfortunately, he didn't speak about the need for grounding or balance -- what in sessions I call "proportionality" between the sizes in different parts of an aura. How you define consciousness, meditation , and enlightenment, really does have consequences. Here are just a few examples.


Fundamentalist Christians may not be fond of the Eastern term "enlightenment," but they know they own it. Tim, the mega-bestselling author of "Left Behind" novels, might be considered the poster child for a definition of "enlightened" as "saved."

In "Empowered by Empathy" I recount a story he told on "Fresh Air," where Tim happened to be at a conference center where the Dalai Lama also appeared. Tim said he thought the great Buddhist leader was "probably very sincere" but he just hadn't been educated enough about Jesus, so La Haye proudly recounted that he offered to bring the Dalai Lama up to speed.

Anyone who is so sure he/she knows enough to be a missionary really deserves to have aura readings, don't you think? Carefully avoiding empathic merge techniques, let's take a peek, using this photo.


Tim's glory shows here. The man couldn't have a bigger presence, taking a real command of his environment. He's supremely self-confident, powerful, totally happy (while in public, anyway).

In terms of the definitions advanced by Elise LeBeau and Dr. Char at my blog, Tim is There or Going There, respectively. Rebecca might have to give one of her wry smiles and agree that whatever Mr. LaHaye's quest, it has ennobled him.

Yet you may also notice a huge respect for money, prestige, opinions of others, territory. To use a term from Chinese Herbal medicine, a school of healing for which I'm sure Mr. LaHaye has no respect at all, metal dominates. All the world's toys and trinkets weigh heavily in importance for this man.


Rock-solid belief comforts Tim. Thick as cement, the feeling of safety is of the "never change" variety. You may also notice a certain kind of pride, superiority, smugness.

Whatever qualities you're noticing here, surely the size won't escape you. Think proportionality. The ratio of root-chakra-to-third-eye-chakra is about 20,000:1.

LaHaye possesses a certain kind of enlightenment, with a corresponding quality of life that emanates through his aura out to relationships and self-assessment.


For contrast, take a look at the TMer whose photo is displayed at a Maharishi-sponsored website. Qualities of akasha, deep space, pervade her entire aura.

That's good news, in terms of living with a higher state of consciousness. But let's be practical here and compare those same two databanks we did for the oh-so-enlightened Fundamentalist.


Life is sweet. Feelings are soft. Blissful experience is everywhere, yet nothing seems real. It's like "Strawberry Fields Forever" without the psychedelics.

Not only does so-called reality not matter a whole lot at this girl's root chakra but the size of this databank is just about exactly the size of the third eye databank for Mr. LaHaye. How funny is that?

Yet there is one very sobering note, like a Bach cantata where the lowest pedals of an organ play out their deep melody so slowly that you may not notice, being captivated instead by fast-moving high notes.

Deep within the soft, cotton-candy glow of surreality and bliss, you can find the rather sobering presence of Shiva. He is guiding this girl into a life of stark renunciation, giving up money, sex, personal power, even personal identity, in pursuit of a very otherworldly variety of spiritual liberation.


And what kind of liberation is this, from an Earth School perspective? TM really does take meditators to a high-frequency realm.

The practitioner shown here has a rather typical third eye chakra for someone who does Transcendental Meditation . The chakra extends way far out. In this case, it's out about one universe away, so you do the math on the proportionality between her third eye chakra and the one-inch projection of her root chakra!

(Technical point: All this is read at the third layer, where I prefer to consistently do most readings for this blog. You will, however, find something similar at other aura layers.)

Notice, this girl's experience satisfies the definitions of Dr. Char and Elise LeBeau, meets the criteria put forth by Dr. Scolastico, especially if the meditator tries to spread her bliss around during the rest of her day.

Even the lovely operational definition of enlightenment supplied by Ceci Miller could be considered fulfilled here. Meditator Girl may be floating off the ground most of her waking hours, but that doesn't disallow her having many moments that are absolutely glorious.


Anyone who clings to the newbie's idea that all meditation techniques, or versions of enlightenment, are pretty much alike can change that really fast. Do a (subtle) reality check and read auras of people who practice different techniques.

•Some put a person in a happy mood for 15 seconds.•Some move out the third eye two inches.

Every technique produces a consequence. even if that consequence is "High sounding words, producing very little else.

So here's a tip for the next time you're in a discussion where everyone is being politically correct and smiling and saying, "We're all one. Let's just accept everyone as an equal, in every way, at every time, because it's all good."Speak out on behalf of enlightenment. Tell those well meaning people, "Get real."

Choices of meditation technique can make a more dramatic difference than any other choice you will ever make in life. Yet most people you meet could tell you more about differences between kinds of shoes, or beer, or TV show. And they'll gladly pay for the outward things that show status, scrimping on the inner -- which "must not matter much because it sure doesn't show."

What about the people who stubbornly, or smugly, state "I don't need a teacher"? Invite them to read auras in depth and detail, then evaluate what they are doing for themselves.

It is probably nothing. Without expert instruction from someone who knows more than they do, the majority of self-taught meditators (like self-taught empaths) mostly get to enjoy their wonderful pride about never having needed a teacher. They may not find much other benefit, wouldn't have more than a vague idea about "feeling good."

Such is the great spiritual achievement of being a 100% do-it-yourselfer. For instance:

•If a person's main "spiritual" achievement consists in having a lot of beliefs, fascinating! Look for a big part of the aura about the intellect, not much going on in the third eye or crown chakras.•If a person's main "spiritual" achievement is having strong emotions about being "saved" or some other component of belief, lovely! And that will show in the heart chakra, not the third eye or crown.

Even if there were no other practical benefits to doing aura readings, you would want to do them in order to find out what is really going on in the spiritual arenas, here at Earth School -- that big one-room schoolhouse where grades aren't properly labeled.


If I were looking for a poster child for my favorite qualities of Enlightenment, I would choose Susan Scolastico, pictured here next to her husband, author Ron Scolastico.

Aura readings show a perfectly balanced proportionality between all her chakras. Sure, there may be a few areas of pain, and some places where scar tissue bears witness to very human achievement. All the better!

Love pervades that aura, and even if love isn't as flashy as akasha, Susan will have time for that when she isn't in that human form any longer.

We'll always be in some body somewhere. While here at Earth School, why not live a high level of consciousness in conjunction with a life where you behave as if this place matters?


Back at my definition of enlightenment, I have come to value proportionality in an aura. I also recommend moving out all significant STUFF blocking personal clarity and freedom.

In my favorite terms, that would mean removing astral debris (as I'll be teaching how to do in my upcoming Intensive on Spiritual Healing ) like ghosts and psychic coercion; cutting cords of attachment, whether doing the work yourself, with skill, or having a session of Energy Spirituality with a well trained practitioner; and releasing deep blocks of fear and pain, held on the level of cellular memory (for which my healing method of choice is Energy Release Regression Therapy).

Yes, everything that I do in sessions or teach in workshops or write about in books has the goal of Enlightenment .

What is my practical recipe for living YOUR highest ideal?

1. Do the spiritual practice of your choice every day. This will be in terms of your own belief system, such as:

*Reading Ron Scolastico's how-to book on Enlightenment, Becoming Enlightened: Twelve Keys to Higher Consciousness. http://www.becomingenlightened.net/

*Reading the meditation technique-packed book that includes information on getting more akasha into your aura, Let Today Be a Holiday

*Studying scripture a la Tim LaHaye

* Or spending hours every week hearing the melodious Vedas and baffling Purva Mimamsa sutras from Jaimini (these being cute long-term requirements you'll undoubtedly discover if you become deeply involved in TM, regardless of Maharishi's assurance to newbies that "TM is not a religion .")

2. Follow up with a balanced life, seeking to live your ideals but also enjoying life at Earth School. Any spiritual practice that causes you to bliss-giggle your way through life does not do this place justice. (Not to mention that you may not enjoy how little respect you receive from other people, and with good reason, if your aura displays a renunciate's contempt for human life.)

3. Then make your current level of consciousness more glorious by spending 10 minutes a day doing aura readings or empathic merges.

That's my recommendation, folks. But know that whatever you choose, you can't fail. Each of the auras we have read here bears a glorious kind of testimony. Pursue the kind of enlightenment of your choice. You will surely get it, all the way out to the tiniest particles of your energy field.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation , and Regression Therapy .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an Expert on Aura here at self-growth.com.

Prefer to study directly? Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras” , the first book to combine all three different forms of deeper perception,

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” , to help you get skills at reading energy fields.

* "Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" , a healing how-to,

* "Empowered by EMPATHY” with leading-edge techniques that Rose teaches internationally,

* “The Power of FACE Reading” , and

*“ Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here

With over 140,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community .