Energy Healing Treatment for Stroke, Stroke Damage, Paralysis &
Brain Damage

Suddenly you feel a portion of your body pause, loose sensation and stop functioning correctly. Your eyes may see double, your tongue might tingle, and your arm or leg may drag for few minutes. If these symptoms continue for a few minutes (15-20) you are having a stroke. Those are the symptoms of a TIA or Transient Ischemic Attack, known as a mini stroke. The sneaky part is that in both a TIA and a lesser stroke, the symptoms come and go for the lucky individual. If you can't produce an even smile on both sides of your face, remember the date, or have continued numbness on one side of your body, go to the hospital emergency room immediately. You have a 3-hour window to have an opportunity to reverse any major damage.

For those who exhibit and experience major impairment and who are unable to obtain immediate treatment, stroke damage may result in paralysis, nerve damage, and other dehabilitating symptoms. The good news is, usually in time, you can have some form of restored function in the areas of your body that were initially damaged.

Acupuncture has recently been providing significant restorative results by improving some physical functions for stroke victims. According to CBC News, "The functional electrical stimulation rowing machine, developed by researchers in Edmonton and England, helps people with disabilities (paraplegics and others) enjoy the benefits of regular exercise ."

As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, energy healing is another modality that provides electromagnetic stimulation and shows great promise in treating and curing stroke damage and regenerating damaged nerves. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing , we can reframe bio structures, ie nerve impulse generators and their neural pathways that direct your body's physical functions to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation.

In several clients with stroke complications, after their cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restrengthen their muscles that had weakened due to lack of use during the early stages of their rehabilitation. To date, various stroke symptoms and complications can be lessened or reversed with energy healing .

Energy healing is cutting edge and is being clinically researched as a healing modality that shows great promise in assisting and restoring the physical health of those who have experienced a stroke.

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Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA

Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative & Integrative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet , health related or lifestyle change programs. As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with medical intuition or energy work.

Author's Bio: 

B Brent Atwater, American: 1947- artist, painter, visionary, healer, author and philanthropist.

Brent Atwater is a peer reviewed and respected, documented and published renowned international medical intuitive and distant energy healer who collaborates and works with the worlds leading doctors, researchers and medical facilities. Her work establishes evidence based research that creates and documents the bridging of traditional and alternative healthcare into integrative medicine.

Having successfully licensed her artwork for 30+ years, B. Atwater is one of the contemporary American artists/ painters that is bringing forth a new cultural renaissance by blending her classical artistic training with spirituality and energy merged and infused into paintings.
Brent's award winning art compels and seduces your emotions into a palpable experience with her subject matter; sometimes beautiful or fragile, at times haunting or humorous with attitude, most times healing, inspiring or profound, and always thought provoking!Her paintings mirror the spirit and soul of her subjects, creating intimacy, personal awareness, and shared experiences within each viewer.
The enticing energy, evocative coloration, and diversified styles of her paintings make Brent's art highly sought after by patrons and collectors around the globe.

Atwater is an art medicine pioneer in the USA by scientifically documenting the healing energy, diagnostic abilities and healing benefits of her healing art- Paintings That Heal™, and Healing Art for Children™.

As a philanthropist, Brent founded the Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust to benefit Children and other worthwhile causes. She authors and illustrates her Just Plain Love™ Children's Books, that turn negatives of illness into positives!