When you think of Academy Awards, do you think "spiritual reading"? If not, why not? What's the fun of being a New Ager if you can't use woo-woo in practical ways?

I have an annual custom of doing aura readings, comparing auras of top-nominated actors with their auras in roles; it's a great way to practice using deeper perception.

Anyone nominated for Best Actor or Actress has the technical skills down cold. The voice, the walk, the imagination , the ability to make a role seem spontaneous and real.

But an intuitive reading can show you something even more fascinating. Who changes so deep, even the aura is altered? What happens deep within energy fields?

Auras combine changing experiences with gifts of the soul, components that usually don't change. But can a super talented actor change all the way down to that level? Some can.

This year, I have researched five ultra-revealing aura databanks on each nominee for Best Actress and Best Actor. Then I have used a photo of each nominee as herself or himself. For comparison, I have read those very same databanks on the actor or actress in the nominated movie role.

In this article, we're reading the youngest in this year's batch, spunky Ellen Page.

Until you can do aura readings through a dedicated technique, try this short-cut. Look into the actor's eyes, in the photo being read. Then turn to the comments on one chakra at a time. Alternating this sequence, you can taste the flavor pretty strongly.

This is a kind of intuitive reading, a super-scaled-down version of one of my techniques for reading the soul through the eyes. You'll receive just about 10% of the clarity from doing bona fide aura readings, but it's fun. And it's a start.

"Juno" the teenage character deals with pregnancy . Right away, that's fun for an aura reader because pregnant auras have double the fun, at least, of a normal aura. That's why pregnant women glow.

I won't research whether Ellen Page manages this feat, because it would be impossible for even the finest actress. But I will do the same sort of comparison I have done with actresses twice her age, or more. Let's start by reading our photo of Ellen as Ellen. www.selfgrowth.com


Strong and athletic, her body is naturally lean. Besides the youthful vitality, Ellen has an adventurous spirit, plus a wacky, quirky sense of humor. Soul-level passion is infused into her presence, all the way down to the root chakra. No wonder her presence when entering a room is instantly unforgettable.

SEX APPEAL at the Belly Chakra

Hot, electrical, wild, uninhibited – here is another plus for the young actress. What I like best is the way she isn't using her sexuality in order to hook people.

(She's young, I know. But if you don't think a sexy youngster can start prostituting herself before age 18, aurically, you haven't read many young stars yet!)


The young actress, while courageous, is still unformed. She hasn't really been tested yet. That's a good thing for her life thus far, but it doesn't bring depth to Page's acting.


As a person, Ellen is caring and sensitive. At the time of this particular photograph, where evidently she is being honored, it's touching. The kid is emotionally overwhelmed and struggling not to cry or otherwise embarrass herself.

SOUL DEVELOPMENT at the High Heart Chakra

Here comes one more ancient being. Fame at a young age is never an accident but, rather, part of a life contract. vAnd I just love reading the aura of someone whose contract involves major talent as well.

Next, for reading the role of Juno MacGuff, here is our photo. www.selfgrowth.com


This character is fearless, inquisitive… and definitely NOT pregnant. No change of aura shows here, but Ellen's normal aura databank on its own is uncommonly strong, and such fun to watch.

SEX APPEAL at the Belly Chakra

In this photo, Ellen's exactly the same as usual, only with a fine coating of being a daughter instead of an actress. The emphasis slightly subdues her natural high spirits.


Okay, here's our first chakra change, and it's a big one. This Juno character summons up strength aplenty, with notes of vulnerability, sorrow, and outrageousness.

What I like best is the quality of rebelliousness. This isn't your typical teenage breakaway-from-home rebellion. What shows is a more considered, thoughtful variation on the theme of self-authority.


Here's a second change. It's subtle, but a maternal quality has entered the actress' aura.

You know how a woman who loves being pregnant will often hold her belly, patting it or otherwise making a quiet fuss? That's what Ellen shows here aurically, and if she hasn't been pregnant yet in this life, the auric shift she has managed is especially wonderful acting.

SOUL DEVELOPMENT at the High Heart Chakra

Not much changes here. Ms. Page's wisdom is very much on display. Yet this creates a sweet blend with the other chakras that did change.


Total number of chakras dramatically changed: 2.25

It's delightful when youthful fame is accompanied by talent. Here Ellen joins the ranks of Abigail Breslin, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley, and Keisha Castle-Hughes.

Changing just a couple of chakras may not seem monumental, compared to what others have done in this mega-talented and experienced group.

Yet she did better than many of the nominees for Best Actor. Besides, when you often read auras as we've been doing here, you'll soon appreciate how special it is to be able to change even one chakra projection while acting.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering aura readings that include Cutting Cords of Attachment www.selfgrowth.com , Aura Transformation www.selfgrowth.com , Regression Therapy www.selfgrowth.com .

If you're interested in reading faces, check out her Face Readings www.selfgrowth.com , another form of spiritual reading.

She's an expert on Aura here at self-growth.com. www.selfgrowth.com

Rose teaches workshops internationally on doing intuitive reading. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website, www.selfgrowth.com .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:

* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses” www.selfgrowth.com , all about energy fields.

*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality" www.selfgrowth.com

*"Empowered by EMPATHY” www.selfgrowth.com

*“The Power of FACE Reading” www.selfgrowth.com

*“Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.” www.selfgrowth.com

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club. If you want to learn to do spiritual reading and also empower yourself in everyday life, you're going to enjoy Rose's work.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here: www.selfgrowth.com

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at www.selfgrowth.com or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at www.rose-rosetree.com . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at www.selfgrowth.com

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