Want to increase your creativity by 15%… Take your shoes off....

Imagine for a moment , top executives with a major fortune 500 company huddled around a board room table brainstorming new ideas for products and services. Now picture them with their shoes off and wearing comfortable white tube socks.

You may think I pulling your leg but believe me, this really does happen. Studies revealed that people who wore the socks generated 13% more ideas than those who kept their shoes on. If the feet are comfortable, the brain will be comfortable.

Another unorthodox but highly effective method of brainstorming is through the use of lateral thinking. Adidas for example, through uses lateral thinking to generate ideas for new basketball shoes. Generals Mills uses it to create new products as well.

Here's an example of how it works. Lets take a paper clip as an example. Everyone has to come up with as the many ways that it can be used for. What this does is it lets you look at something from a completely different perspective. This is how innovation is born. It's a succession of thoughts and ideas that guide us to the end result.

Interesting facts about the human brain…

-Weighs about 3 pounds
-It uses 20% of our energy
-It has a trillion cells
-Its cells are capable of connecting with a hundred thousand other cells
-It contains 100 billion neurons
-There are more possible interconnections between these
-neurons than there are atoms in the universe
-All the worlds telephone connections would have to be recreated 1,349 times to equal the total number of possible brain connections
-It can record a thousand new bits of information every second of our lives

While these are amazing facts about the brain, they pale in comparison to the most alarming fact:


How do you Use Your Whole Brain?

I was at a seminar recently and was intrigued by a brain power game that identifies and categorizes individuals based on selecting cards that best describe their strengths and personality traits. Each card is color coded .into 4 quadrants of the brain.

Blue = Investigator (mathematical, technical, analytical, logical)

Yellow = Creator, (creative, conceptual, synthesize, holistic, artistic)

Green = Evaluator (planner, controlled, detail oriented)

Red = Activator. (action oriented, talkative, musical, emotional, interpersonal)

The exercise serves several valuable purposes.

· It identifies which areas of the brain your strengths are.
· It lets you see where your deficiencies or week spots are
· It identifies where you should seek outside help

Once your selections defined your color quadrant, a colored dot was applied to your name badge. This lets you and everyone know where your strengths are. So, for someone like me who's technically challenged, I would be seeking out those individuals that have a Green dot on their badge for help.

How do you use your whole brain? Find people who are strong in the areas where you display weakness. Enlist their help in those areas. Delegate those tasks and activities that suite their strength.

Your in Success,

Rich Douglas


Rich Douglas is a self improvement newsletter columnistand the creator of an amazing software program that willrecondition your mind to positively impact over 31 keyareas in your life. His simple as pie approach means itworks unobtrusively while you're in front of your computer,working, surfing, typing or playing a game. Click Here Now ==> http://www.easymotivation.comClick Here Now ==> http://www.easymotivation.com/familyeditionfull.html


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Author's Bio: 

Rich Douglas is a self improvement newsletter columnistand the creator of an amazing software program that willrecondition your mind to positively impact over 31 keyareas in your life. His simple as pie approach means itworks unobtrusively while you're in front of your computer,working, surfing, typing or playing a game. Click Here Now ==> http://www.easymotivation.com
Click Here Now ==> http://www.easymotivation.com/familyeditionfull.html