Creating your ideal environment means looking honestly at what's working and what isn't working in your living and working environments.

When you go to work, are you greeted by a desk covered with projects and things to do? If so, how does that feel? Is this an environment that welcomes and energizes you or is this an environment that drains and depletes you?

Go through your workspace, take note of how you feel when you enter it.

  • Does your environment welcome you?
  • Is it comfortable? Is it workable?
  • Is it organized and clutter-free?
  • Is your office disorganized and filled with clutter?

    Clutter slows you down and costs money. It takes longer to find what you need and more time to get projects done. It's impossible to be fully productive.

    When you're surrounded by clutter you are literally blocked, physically and mentally. Productive energy cannot find it's way through piles of papers, files and office equipment.

    Creating an environment that supports your needs means taking the time to determine how you work.

    How can you figure this out? Sit at your desk, imagine that your workday has begun. What do you do next? Where do you intuitively reach for the phone? Files? Computer? Imagine each step of your workday and your use of the items in it.

    Now that you 'see' how you work, it becomes much easier to choose items that support your individual work style. If you don't take the time to really understand what works for you and what doesn't, it's easy to purchse the latest organizational tool or item and then find that it isn't something you actually use- after you buy it!

    Once you've determined your work style, go shopping and select the organizational tools and equipment that support your style of working.

  • Purchase a good, supportive, ergonomic chair (your back will thank you everyday),
  • Organize your office so those items you need on a regular basis are easily located and within reach of your desk.
  • Incorporate colors you love, colors that energize you.

    Through the use of paint or accessories, you can select color that supports the type of environment you desire. You can create a sense of energy and enthusiasm or a sense of relaxation and calm just by the colors you choose to have around you.

    Don't settle for plain white walls.. Color is the quickest, easiest and least expensive improvement you can make in your environment.

    Then begin to work on those areas and things that need to be addressed to create a workspace that smiles when you enter, a workspace that works for you, not against you. When you take the time to create an environment that supports you, an environment that really "feels" good, doing good work is easier.

    The world of working at home can be a magical place, when we take the time to make it a truly functional workspace. Often the very lack of structure and a defined place to go to work can undermine our best efforts and intentions.

    Don’t get me wrong, working at home is a wonderful thing, you're in control of your schedule, you can dress casually…and yet….you may still find yourself ending each day feeling like you haven't accomplished anything.

    Why? Because it's easy to find the line between work and home becoming blurred. What can you do? Start by incorporating the strategies I'm outlining. But, like anything else, good ideas are only that- good ideas, if we don't take action and get proactive.

  • Author's Bio: 

    Laurie is the founder of Harmony Life, LLC, a firm specializing in Interior Alignment practitioner training, and mentoring for women entrepreneurs. She is an internationally recognized Feng Shui practitioner, Master Teacher of Interior Alignment, mentor for the Western School of Feng Shui®, Business on Purpose Marketing Expert, and Education Director of the International Feng Shui Guild. You can reach her at