Chakra Healing Meditation

…from the book, "Anything Can Be Healed," by Martin Brofman

With this experience, you will be directing your attention to each of the chakras in turn, first by focusing on physical sensations, and then by using your imagination , your ability to create images, to create the experience of colors there. There is no difference between imagination and visualization, except for the fact that most people believe more in their ability to imagine than in their ability to visualize. They know that even children can imagine things, but visualization … well, that’s another thing.

While you will be asked to imagine certain colors in certain places, you may have impressions of other colors. If this happens, just notice what the other colors are that you are having an impression of, and then release them, and replace them with the proper color. You will be able to do this by imagining that you are shining lights of the proper color on the chakra, or painting it the proper color, or imagining something of the proper color there. Finally, you will be able to create an impression of the proper colors in the proper places, and experience the effects of that.

If there were impressions of colors different from those asked for, this will show you something about what was happening in that portion of your consciousness. You will be able to consult the “Color Language” chart found later in this book, and see what the colors that you saw mean in terms of our model of wholeness, and how the description found in the chart matches what you know to have been happening in your own consciousness.

Now, find a comfortable position, and do the meditation as follows:

First, direct your attention to your perineum, and to the physical sensations you experience there. Feel something. Decide that what you are feeling is energy, and then decide that this energy is glowing red. If you have an impression of another color, notice what it is, and then release it, and make it red. Have a final impression of a clear red ball of energy where you know your Red Chakra to be. Hold your attention there, doing that, for some moments.

Next, move your attention up about ten centimeters, to the middle of your abdomen, and to the physical sensations you experience there. Feel something, and decide that what you are feeling is energy.

Then, decide that this energy is glowing orange. If you have an impression of another color, just notice what it is, and then release it, and make it orange. Finally, have an impression of a clear orange ball of energy where you know your Orange Chakra to be, and hold your attention there, doing that for some moments.

Now, move your attention to your solar plexus. Be aware of sensations there. Feel something, and decide that what you are feeling is energy. Then, decide that this energy is glowing yellow. If you have an impression of another color, just notice what it is, and then change it, and make it yellow. Have a final impression of a clear yellow ball of energy glowing in your Yellow Chakra, and hold that experience for some moments.

Now, move your attention to the center of your chest, where you know your Green Chakra to be. Be aware of sensations there. Feel something, and decide that what you feel is energy, and that it is glowing emerald green. If you have an impression of another color, just notice what it is, and then release it, and make it emerald green. Hold the impression of a clear emerald green ball of energy in your Green Chakra for some moments, experiencing it.

Now, move your attention to the base of your throat. Be aware of sensations there. Feel something there where you know your Blue Chakra to be, and decide that what you are feeling is energy, and that it is glowing blue, sky blue. If you have an impression of another color there, just notice what it is, and change it. Decide that now, it is sky blue. Hold the final impression of a clear sky blue ball of energy in your Blue Chakra for some moments.

Next, place your attention on the center of your forehead. Be aware of sensations there, feel something where you know your Indigo Chakra to be, and decide that what you are feeling is energy. Decide that it is glowing indigo, midnight blue. If you have an impression of another color there, just notice what it is, and release it. Change it. Decide that now it is indigo, and hold for some moments an impression of an indigo ball of energy in your Indigo Chakra.

Now, move your attention to the top of your head. Be aware of sensations there, where you know your Violet Chakra to be. Feel something, and decide that what you are feeling is energy. Then, decide that this energy is glowing violet, the color of amethyst. If you have an impression of another color, just notice what it is, and change it. Make it violet, and hold a final impression for some moments of a violet ball of energy glowing in the Violet Chakra.

Finally, just relax, and notice the state of being you experience after the meditation , compared to how you felt before the experience. No doubt, you will notice how you feel better in some way, and you will therefore understand, through your experience, the benefits of this meditation .

The meditation not only helps you to re-center yourself when you need to, but also gives you an inventory of what has been happening in your consciousness just before the experience, a picture of where you are. You can expect that after the work you have done on yourself with this meditation, any out-of-balance conditions have been corrected, or improved to some degree.

The inventory of where you are is the result of the analysis of the colors that were seen in the various chakras, as shown below. If you saw only the proper colors in areas that you know to have been out of balance, such as those areas associated with particular physical symptoms you have been experiencing, you will know that your view of yourself was not reflecting what was real, but rather what you wanted it to be.

It is necessary that your view of where you are in any moment is without any element of self-deception, or you will not have the mechanism available to improve something that the deeper part of you knows to be out of balance.

Know yourself, and what is true for you. Accept that. That’s the starting point for everything else.

Remember that anything can be healed.

The Language of Colors

We associate particular colors with particular chakras in a model that represents wholeness and wellness , and that we use for healing. Any other configuration of colors, then, represents something other than wellness , something that needs to be healed. There are possibilities for any other color than the natural one to be in a particular chakra, and the color that finds its way there says something particular about the condition of that chakra.

The different combinations of colors that can be found in a particular chakra represent a code, a language that everyone knows, even though they may not know that they know it. Thus, you might recognize that the language you use to describe your relationship with a certain color actually describes your relationship with the parts of your consciousness represented by the chakra with that as its “natural” color.

You can also recognize that when you see a color different from the “natural” color in a certain chakra, you are recognizing an out-of-balance condition in a way that implies knowing exactly how it is out of balance. It means that you also know exactly what needs to be done in order to return that portion of your consciousness to perfect balance. This is in accord with the idea that somewhere inside, you know exactly where you are and what is happening inside yourself.

In addition to the seven “natural” colors of the spectrum, there are other colors that may appear, which are interpreted as follows:

· Black means something suppressed.
· White means something avoided.
· Pink is the color of love in motion, love that is directed.
· Gold is the color of angels, and also the color associated with a healer healing with no personal purpose other than to see the subject healed. It’s the same consciousness as angelic consciousness, which also has no personal purpose other than to serve humans.
· Silver is in the same octave as gold, and represents the same level of consciousness, but with a different character, in the same way that extraterrestrials give the same message as angels, but because of their different form, have access to a different portion of the population.

Any other colors or combinations of colors should be considered in terms of the combinations of the above colors that they represent. For example, gray is black and white combined, brown is red and green combined, etc. The language of the colors is defined on the following pages.

Rather than focusing on the details, you are advised to get a sense of how the combinations of colors are used, and to be creative and flexible in the interpretation of the colors, in order to find the combinations of words that best “talk to” the individual experiencing the symptom.

Color Language Reference Guide

Red Chakra - Any other color but red in this chakra represents what the subject sees as a “key” to security or feeling safe, or as a consideration in the area of security. The underlying idea is that the subject should need none of these things as a key to security, but must find it within him/herself.

Red in any other chakra indicates insecurity about that chakra’s attributes.

· Orange: Food or sex as a key to security.
· Yellow: The mind, or power, control, or freedom, as a key to security.
· Green: Relationship or love as a key to security.
· Blue: Receiving as security, hunger for security.
· Indigo: Spirituality as a key to security.
· Violet: Unity as a key to security, or the color of the father in the place of the mother, showing the father as the nourishing energy. Confusion of sexual roles, of which attributes are considered masculine and which are considered feminine.
· Black: Suppressed fear, or issues of security suppressed. Insecurity and fear regarding money, home, job, for example.
· White: Avoiding security, and those issues concerned with security. Avoiding being nourished. Avoiding roots. Avoiding mother.

Orange Chakra - Any other color but orange in this chakra indicates what the individual sees as a “key” to food or sex, or a consideration in that area, rather than just listening to what the body is saying.

Orange in any other chakra indicates food or sex as a key to the attributes of that chakra.

· Red: Insecurity about food or sex.
· Yellow: The mind telling the body what it should have, instead of listening to the body.
· Green: Confusion between love and sex, and interpreting sex as love. Physical attraction interpreted as love. Love as a key to sex.
· Blue: Unfulfilled hunger for food or sex.
· Indigo: Spirituality as a key to food or sex.
· Violet: Unity as a key to food or sex, or the father as a consideration in the area of food or sex.
· Black: Suppression of food or sex, or of emotions.
· White: Avoidance of food or sex, or emotions.

Yellow Chakra - Any other color but yellow in this chakra represents something the individual sees as a key to power, control, freedom, or self-definition.

Yellow in any other chakra represents the mind or power, control, or freedom as a consideration in the attributes of that chakra.

· Red: Insecurity about power, control, freedom, or self-definition.
· Orange: Food or sex as a key to power, control, freedom, or self-definition.
· Green: Defining oneself in terms of one’s relationship, rather than what is true for oneself. In the relationship, losing one’s power to be one’s self. The relationship as a key to power, control, freedom, rather than finding it within one’s Self.
· Blue: Hunger for power, control, freedom, or self-definition.
· Indigo: Spirituality as a key to power, control, freedom, or self-definition.
· Violet: Unity as a key to power, control, freedom, or self-definition, or the father as a consideration in this area.
· Black: Suppressed power, anger.
· White: Avoidance of power. Avoiding self-definition.

Green Chakra - Any other color but green in this chakra indicates what the person sees as a key to relationships or love, or is a consideration in this area.

Green in any other chakra indicates relationships or love as a consideration in the attributes of that chakra.

· Red: Insecurity about love or relationships.
· Orange: Confusion between love and sex in seeing sex as a key to love. To the individual, it seems that if there is no sex, it means no love.
· Yellow: Power, control, or freedom as a key to or consideration in relationships or love.
· Blue: Hunger for love or for relationships.
· Indigo: Spirituality as a key to relationships or love.
· Violet: Unity as a key to relationships or love, or the father as a consideration in this area.
· Black: Something suppressed in the area of relationships or perceptions of love.
· White: Avoiding love or relationships.

Blue Chakra - Any other color but blue in this chakra represents that which is considered as a key to expressing, rather than expression being natural for that which is within. Considering the Blue Chakra in its aspect of receiving, any other color but blue in this chakra represents something keeping the person from having, or being a barrier to letting things in.

Blue in any other chakra indicates a hunger for that which the chakra represents.

· Red in the Blue - Insecurity about receiving, or expressing.
· Orange in the Blue - Food or sex as a key to expression, or as a preoccupation keeping the person from having.
· Yellow in the Blue - The mind and ideas keeping the person from having. Expanding energy interfering with receiving.
· Green in the Blue - Love or Relationships as a key to expression, or love being expressed in a way that keeps the person from having. Giving away that which is dear, as an expression of love, and depriving oneself.
· Indigo in the Blue - Spirituality as a key to expression, and keeping the person from having that which they do not consider as spiritual.
· Violet in the Blue - Unity as a key to expression, or the father (authority) as a consideration in the area of expression, and affecting the process of receiving.
· Black in the Blue - Suppressed expression of the being.
· White in the Blue - Avoiding expression, avoiding communication, avoiding having.
Indigo Chakra - Any other color but indigo in this chakra indicates that which the person considers as a key to spirituality.

Indigo in any other chakra indicates spirituality as a key to what that chakra represents.

· Red: Insecurity about spirituality, or identification with the physical body, rather than the spirit or consciousness in the body.
· Orange: Food or sex as a key to spirituality.
· Yellow: The mind as a key to spirituality, or a mental construct of spirituality rather than direct experience. Power, control, or freedom as a consideration in the area of spirituality.
· Green: Love or relationship as a key to spirituality.
· Blue: Hunger for spirituality.
· Violet: Unity as a key to spirituality, or confusion between unity and spirituality, or the father as a consideration in the area of spirituality.
· Black: Suppression of spirituality. Suppression of what is deeply true for one, at the level of their spirit.
· White: Avoidance of spirituality. Avoiding what is deeply true for one, at the level of their spirit.

Violet Chakra - Any other color but violet in this chakra indicates that which is considered a key to unity or the father.

Violet in any other chakra indicates that unity or the father is a consideration in the part of the consciousness that the chakra represents. Violet in most or all of the other chakras together shows someone searching for or seeing father everywhere.

· Red: Insecurity about unity, or the color of the mother in the place of the father. Confusion about masculine and feminine roles and characteristics.
· Orange: Food or sex as a key to father or unity.
· Yellow: The color of power, control, or freedom in the place of the father or authority, or the mind as a key to unity.
· Green: Love or relationship as a key to unity or the father.
· Blue: Hunger for unity, hunger for direction, hunger for father.
· Indigo: Spirituality as a key to unity or the father, or confusion between unity and spirituality.
· Black: Suppression of unity. Suppression of a deep soul experience, or of feelings regarding authority or father, creating separation.
· White: Avoiding unity, avoiding father.

© 1988 Martin Brofman –

Martin Brofman, PhD, author of Anything Can Be Healed, and Improve Your Vision, (Findhorn Press) developed the Body Mirror System of Healing and A Vision Workshop after having healed himself of terminal cancer in 1976. Brofman Foundation –

Author's Bio: 

Martin Brofman, PhD, author of Anything Can Be Healed, and Improve Your Vision, (Findhorn Press) developed the Body Mirror System of Healing and A Vision Workshop after having healed himself of terminal cancer in 1976. Brofman Foundation –