A bruise gets its deep color from a blood vessel or vessels that break under the skin and leak blood into the surrounding area. As it heals, it becomes paler in color and less painful to the touch. Depending on how many vessels were broken, bruises can be the size of a pencil eraser or 6 or more inches across. A black eye is also bruise-if there is no accompanying eye damage or nose breakage, it can be treated just like any other bruise.

An injury involving rupture of small blood vessels, a bruise causes discolouration without a break in the overlying Skin. Bruises are associated with external and internal causes. If the blood is pooled or trapped in tissue or an organ, the term haematoma is used. A common example is a blood blister.

Signs and Symptoms:

Bruises can last from days to months and usually occur in several stages. A bruise generally starts out as a pinkish-red area or as tiny red dots or blotches on the skin. The bruise may be very small and may blend in with the texture of the skin, or it may be large, swollen, and painful. Within days to a week or so, the bruise becomes more purple. As it heals, it becomes brownish-yellow. Generally, bruises heal and disappear within 2 to 3 weeks.


• Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins like C and K, which are found in many fruits and vegetables
• Accidents proof your house to avoid frequent falls.
• Wear protective gear while playing sports

Conventional Medical Treatment

Unless the bruise is especially large or is accompanied by broken skin or a raised and swollen area, medical attention is rarely necessary. Your doctor also may instruct you to elevate the injured area and ice the site for 30 to 45 minutes several times daily for 2 or 3 days after the injury.

Homeopathy Arnica is excellent for bruising. Take a tablet of 6c strength every hour up to four times a day, or apply as a cream. You can also apply a cold compress of diluted mother tincture. If the bruising does not disappear quickly, take Ledum 6c three times a day for four days. (It can also be used for puncture wounds.) Use Hypericum for severe bruising. When bones under the bruised region feel sore, Symphytum 6c is recommended. Ruta grav., or Bellis per are also helpful here. For a black eye, Lachesis is the best remedy.

Arnica is considered by some practitioners to be among the best vulnerary (wound-healing) herbs available. As a homeopathic remedy, arnica is often recommended as both an internal and topical means to treat minor injuries. Some healthcare practitioners recommend mixing 1 tablespoon of arnica tincture in 500 ml water, then soaking thin cloth or gauze in the liquid and applying it to the injured area for at least 15 minutes four to five times per day.

Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox) is taken from poison ivy, and is also known as snow rose. The leaves of the plant are used in the creation of the remedy. This remedy is good for joint and muscle pain, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain , connective tissue disease, toricolis, tendonitis, sciatica, housemaid’s knee, lumbago and sprains.

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