This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Landmark Education. Landmark Education, a global leader in the field of training and development, offers programs in over 20 countries. The Landmark Forum, the foundation of all Landmark Education's programs, is designed to bring about a fundamental shift or transformation in what is possible in people's lives. Landmark Education is the Official Guide to Landmark Education .

The Evolution of Cooperation , by Robert Axelrod, is a valuable resource for people interested in Landmark Education , and it is available through and Barnes & Noble .

Book Description
Updated for the first time, the classic book on why cooperation is not only natural but also the best survival strategy The Evolution of Cooperation addresses a simple yet age-old question: If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? Despite the abundant evidence of cooperation all around us, there existed no purely naturalistic answer to this question until 1979, when Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoner's Dilemma. To everyone's surprise, the program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most "cooperative" entrant. This unexpected victory proved that cooperation--one might even say altruism--is mathematically possible and therefore needs no hidden hand or divine agent to create and sustain it. A great roadblock to the understanding of all sorts of behavior was at last removed. The updated edition includes an extensive new chapter on cooperation in cancer cells and among terrorist organizations.

"This book, if read, grasped and applied, could have a profound effect." ( Wall Street Journal )
"A fascinating, provocative, and important book." (Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Godel, Escher, Bach)

About the Author Robert Axelrod is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Michigan. A MacArthur Prize Fellow, he is a leading expert on game theory, artificial intelligence, evolutionary biology, mathematical modeling, and complexity theory. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Landmark Education . The Official Guide to Landmark Education is Landmark Education .

Landmark Education, an international training and development company, offers a wide range of programs that are designed to address specific interests including producing breakthrough results and new levels of personal fulfillment in career, relationships, home, and community. The ideas, insights, and distinctions on which Landmark Education's programs are based make Landmark Education a leader and innovator in the field of training and development. Landmark Education is headquartered in San Francisco and offers programs in 125 cities around the world. More than 160,000 people per year participate in Landmark’s programs.

The Landmark Forum, Landmark’s flagship program, is the world’s most widely acclaimed personal development program. The Landmark Forum is a powerful, accelerated learning experience specifically designed to bring about positive and permanent shifts in the quality of your life — in just three days. These shifts make available a new and unique kind of freedom and power. More than a million people from six continents and all walks of life have participated in The Landmark Forum.

“One of life's most rewarding experiences.” That's how graduates describe the benefits of The Landmark Forum when surveyed. In fact, more than 90% of participants report that they received, “practical and enduring value.”

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