This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles . Considered by many of its students to be their "spiritual path," the book A Course in Miracles has sold over 1.6 million copies since its appearance in 1975. As its title suggests, its purpose is to train us to work miracles to accept and extend to others the shifts in perception that awaken us to God. Robert Perry is the Official Guide to A Course In Miracles .

Return to the Heart of God: The Practical Philosophy of A Course in Miracles , by Robert Perry, is a valuable resource for people interested in A Course In Miracles , and it is available through , Barnes & Noble , and .

Book Description
An illuminating "grand tour" through the profound teachings of A Course in Miracles , by one of its most respected teachers and scholars. Writing in the warm, accessible style that has become his trademark, Robert Perry is our guide as we explore the extraordinary journey set out in the Course. And it is an extraordinary journey--from our beginnings in eternity, to our primordial separation, to our journey home and our return, at last, to the Heart of God.

Robert's perceptive teaching inspires us to experience first-hand the pivotal milestones of this journey--the forgiveness, holy instants, and miracles that speed our return to the peace we seek.

From the Author This book is very meaningful to me personally. I searched for years to find a way to capture the main currents of the Course's system. After many different attempts, I finally came upon the sixteen-point outline that forms the backbone of this book.

About the Author
Robert Perry has been a student of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) since 1981. He taught at Miracle Distribution Center in California from 1986 to 1989, and in 1993 founded the Circle of Atonement in Sedona, Arizona. The Circle is an organization composed of several teachers dedicated to helping establish the Course as an authentic spiritual tradition. One of the most respected voices on ACIM, Robert has traveled extensively, speaking throughout the U.S. and internationally. In addition to contributing scores of articles to various Course publications, he is the author or co-author of twenty books and booklets, including Path of Light: Stepping into Peace with ' A Course in Miracles .' Robert's goal has always been to provide a complete picture of what the Course is--as a thought system and as a path meant to be lived in the world on a daily basis--and to support students in walking along that path.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of A Course In Miracles . The Official Guide to A Course In Miracles is Robert Perry .

Robert Perry is one of the most respected interpreters of A Course in Miracles . He has been teaching since 1986, is the author of nineteen books and booklets on the Course, and is the founder of the Circle of Atonement, a teaching center in Arizona dedicated to serving students of the Course. Visit the Circle of Atonement's website at , or contact the Circle at P.O. Box 4238, Sedona, AZ 86340. Email: , or phone: 888-357-7520.

Additional Resources covering A Course In Miracles can be found at:

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Robert Perry, the Official Guides To A Course In Miracles