Over the last several years I have had the opportunity to meet many successful people. It has been my pleasure to meet every type of person from real estate professionals to movie stars. Each one of these people have a different story but they have one thing in common. PERSISTENCE!

I have also met several people over the years who are constantly complaining and making excuses why they are not winning at life. They say things like " I am not a success because of the rich" Or "I not reaching successful because I was born into a poor family "

I have also noticed that these same people have much time for shopping, playing video games, television shows, and internet surfing..... Hmmmmm is that you? Do you have a plan of action for your future success? Do you invest your time wisely? Do you attend parties and shop endlessly? Or do you work and study and plan while your friends are having fun? Do you give up after only a few failures? Do you go from one thing to another after only a few attempts?

Did you know that many of the OVERNIGHT success stories you hear take several years? I was talking to a USA celebrity who told me he worked as a dishwasher, busboy and waiter for years before he became famous. During the day time hours he would attend countless interviews and auditions. Over and over again he was turned down, but he continued until he finally got the part. Many times the part he was awarded was very small with low pay and little attention of his talent was noticed. BUT HE CONTINUED with his dream....and went back to his simple job of washing dishes and waiting on tables. He was willing to work at night and continue with his dream during the day time. ....PERSISTENCE..... That is the story you will hear from many successful people. The main characteristic of successful people is they have GOALS and they know what they want. And nothing is going to stop them until they achieve success! Most people are too lazy to every become anything but another average worker. They do not have the drive and determination to work while others are playing. They have dreams but NO determination or put no effort forth beyond a few attempts.

Are you are QUITTER? ARE YOU A LOSER? Or Are you a winner?

Author's Bio: 

John Phillips is the founder and editor of the online community KITAKITZ.com for creative writers, musicians & artists