Are you committed to your clients?

Seems like an obvious question with a simple answer-yes! But are you really committed?

Do you ever find yourself resenting your clients? Maybe they call too often. Maybe they call at inconvenient times. Maybe they seem to make too many demands. Or, maybe they complain that the service you’ve provided isn’t the service they expected, or perhaps they didn’t get the results they felt they should have.

As entrepreneurs , we’ve all experienced some, if not all, of these situations at one time or another. How can you ensure your clients satisfaction and your sanity?

By following these 3 simple strategies, not only will your clients be satisfied, they’ll become repeat customers and refer you to others.

1. Explain your services clearly and thoroughly. Don’t assume your clients know what you do, chances are they don’t; and if they do, their understanding and yours are sure to be different. Give some thought to what you do, practice talking about it out loud until you find words that flow naturally and easily for you. Forget about using phrases or jargon from your trade unless you’re talking to someone else in your line of work. When talking to clients, use simple language to describe what you do. If they can’t understand what you tell them, they won’t hire you.

2. Be clear about what your clients can expect of you. Explain what they can expect not only in terms of your services, but also, when you’re available, and when you aren’t. How they can reach you. When they can reach you. When they can expect you to return calls. When you’ll be away from the office, whether for vacation, or simply a day off. If you have an assistant, let your client know what functions your assistant provides. If they can be relied upon in your absence. And how they can be reached. An informed client is a happy client.

3. This step is one of the most important and often the step least achieved. Follow-though and follow-up on all commitments, promises, and expectations. Return all calls in a timely, and thoughtful manner. Be courteous and polite. Touch base with clients after you’ve completed a job or project, let them know you’re still there for them and make sure they’re satisfied with the work they had. If not, do what you can to make it better. Show a genuine interest in your client, stay present and focused on them when you’re working or talking to them.

By following these three simple steps with every client, you are really being committed to them. You will nurture the mutual respect that is required to develop your working relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Laurie is the founder of Harmony Life, LLC, a firm specializing in Interior Alignment practitioner training, and mentoring for women entrepreneurs. She is an internationally recognized Feng Shui practitioner, Master Teacher of Interior Alignment, mentor for the Western School of Feng Shui®, Business on Purpose Marketing Expert, and Education Director of the International Feng Shui Guild. You can reach her at