Now the excitement and rushing around for Christmas and New Years are over you may be feeling blue, your energy level may be low. This is not uncommon. Most of us have been so busy trying to get everything done and now it is over some of us, especially the older ones, have to push our selves to just do the normal things.
This year I am telling myself and my wife it is ok to slow down for a few days. We just got back from visiting family in Florida. We decided to drive because we did not want the hassle of air travel, but it meant spending four days out of the last eight days driving and then sleeping in different beds. Naturally we are tired. It also means saying good bye to children and grandchildren not knowing when we will get to see them again.
So today I am fighting to keep from getting depressed while getting back into my normal routine. The older I get the more important routines become. I made myself get some exercise and then I took sometime to reflect on the Holidays. I took a look at some of the photos and recalled the excitement and joy of watching the grandchildren open and play with their gifts. Then I paused to thank God for all the good things in my life.
Then I ask God for his strength to deal with the struggles both I and my family members will face in the year ahead. I know from past experience that in the end “all things do work together for those who love the Lord. “ Romans 8:28 By giving thanks and trusting God I know I can face what ever comes my way in 2008.
Mark is a counselor in private practice in the Kansas City Meto area. He holds a Masters in Counseling. He has over 20 years of experiance in the mental health feild.