If you’ve heard about “The Secret”, you’ve no doubt heard about the Law of Attraction . But, have you heard about Achievement IQ™ ?

Achievement IQ™ is more comprehensive and even more powerful than the Law of Attraction .

The 2 premises behind Achievement IQ™ are that:


There are 4 common traits found in all successful people and organizations.

VISION - They recognize details and opportunities that most others do not see, thus putting themselves in a position of readiness;

ATTRACTION - They put themselves in a position to attract opportunities (this is basically the Law of Attraction );

READINESS - They put themselves in a position to be ready to take advantage of those opportunities once they do come their way; and

ACTION - They take action upon those details and opportunities in manner that most others would not, thus putting themselves in a position to be more successful than most.


The more you improve your powers of vision, attraction, readiness and action, the more you will achieve. By improving your powers of vision, attraction, readiness and action, you are improving your Achievement IQ™ .

As you can readily see, attraction (which is the major premise behind The Secret ) is only one small component of what is done by truly successful people (or as we call them, high AIQ™ers).

Having recently completed a nationwide driving tour where I had the privilege of interviewing over 80 highly successful people as part of his research for my soon to be released 3rd book, Achievement IQ Moments™ , I believe I've discovered what it takes to help you succeed.

Below are some examples of people I met who will be featured in that book. Notice how they all exhibit the key traits of vision, attraction, readiness and action.

A Blind Visionary

One of the greatest visionaries I had the privilege of interviewing was Mr. Jim Stovall, of Tulsa, OK. The interesting part is that Jim Stovall is blind. Think about the irony, a blind man is a great visionary . . . At first, when Jim found out as an adult that he was going to go blind, he was depressed. Somewhere along the way, he realized that he was still capable of doing whatever he desired, if not more.

Jim has gone on to become a nationally recognized speaker and he is the founder of the Narrative Television Network, which is designed to adapt programming that is designed to enhance the experience of blind persons as they listen to the programs.

Charismatic Attraction

As for attraction, no one does it better than Dr. Geno Fernandez of Chicago, IL. Geno is one of those individuals who is so charismatic, so loving, so powerful, that everyone wants to help him. Geno constantly attracts whatever Geno needs to help him accomplish his goals. That’s why Geno might be one of the most powerful persons I’ve ever met.

All throughout his career, he has met people who have bent over backwards to provide him with opportunities. That's how he became a Rhodes Scholar, how he received a Doctorate from Oxford and how, at the age of 29, he became a partner at McKinsey & Co., one of the largest consulting firms in the world

Ready For Miracles

When it comes to readiness, the story that comes to mind is that of the US Olympic hockey team in the 1980 Olympics. That team will forever be known as The Miracle On Ice. When they entered the Olympics, no one thought they had any chance whatsoever of even competing with the Soviet Union’s team (which had dominated international hockey for over 15 years), much less beating them.

Fortunately, neither Herb Brooks (the coach of that team), Jim Craig (the goalie for that team) nor any of the other players on that team believed that. They believed that they were the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

If you’re not familiar with their story, the US team not only beat the Soviet Union, they went on to win the Gold Medal. While interviewing Jim Craig for my book he said, “it wasn’t a miracle, it was lots of hard work and preparation meeting opportunity. In other words, we were ready!”

The Action Habit

As for action, that is the willingness of a person to act when an opportunity presents itself. My own story is one that comes to mind.

At the age of 28 I was already a successful CPA.

During a heated argument with one of my older brothers, he dared me to go to law school. Instead of being defensive and rejecting his suggestion, I signed up for law school 2 days later. I've now been a lawyer for over 16 years and I hesitate to think what my life would be like had I not become a lawyer. I took action when the opportunity presented itself and I'm glad I did.

Mr. Positioning (Stanley Bronstein) - My Background

I am an attorney, CPA, author and professional motivational speaker. I'm proud to serve as the Official Guide to Achievement on SelfGrowth.com, which is the largest personal development site on the Internet.

I blog constantly on the subject of Achievement and what it takes to achieve massive success. I emphasize that success is not just how much money you make, but how good of a life you have and how well you can help others.

If you are intrigued, please visit my website at StanleyBronstein.com .

Author's Bio: 

Stanley Bronstein is an attorney, CPA, author and professional motivational speaker.

If you want to read more Achievement oriented articles posted by Stanley F. Bronstein, simply click on the links below.

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