As an aura reader, I have an annual custom. I turn film critic, comparing auras of top-nominated actors with their auras in roles.

Anyone nominated for Best Actor or Actress has the technical skills down cold. The voice, the walk, the imagination , the ability to make a role seem spontaneous and real.

But if you read auras you can find out something even more fascinating. Who changes so deep, even the aura is altered? What happens deep within chakra databanks, those very individual ways that an aura expresses our innermost truth?

Auras combine changing experiences with gifts of the soul, components that usually don't change. But can a super talented actor change all the way down to that level? Some can.

In this series of articles, I research five ultra-revealing databanks on each nominee for Best Actress and Best Actor. Read along with me, as I use a photo of each nominee as herself or himself, then read those very same databanks in her movie role.

Until you are reading auras through a dedicated technique, try this short-cut: Look into the actor's eyes, in the photo being read. Then turn to the comments on one chakra at a time. Alternating this sequence, you can taste the flavor pretty strongly.

No, this isn't an aura reading technique. Instead, it's a super-scaled-down version of one of my techniques for reading the soul through the eyes.

You'll receive about 10% of the clarity from one of my dedicated aura reading techniques, but it's fun. And it's a start.

Share your insights using this, or any aura reading technique, at my blog, Deeper Perception Made Practical.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Rosetree is the founder of Energy Spirituality, offering personal sessions of Cutting Cords of Attachment , Aura Transformation , Regression Therapy , and Face Reading . She's an expert on Aura here at

Rose teaches workshops internationally. (Most client sessions are via telephone, with details at her website, .

Rosetree is also known for her how-to books:
* “AURA Reading Through All Your Senses”
*"Cut CORDS of Attachment: Heal Yourself and Others with Energy Spirituality"
*"Empowered by EMPATHY”
*“The Power of FACE Reading”
and *“Let Today Be a HOLIDAY.”

One title has become a bestseller in Germany; in America, two have been selections of One Spirit Book Club.

Many foreign editions of her books have been published, with information available here:

With over 100,000 copies sold, Rosetree's books help readers to discover emotional and spiritual healing, better relationships, self-awareness and inspiration. Order Rose's books, published through Women's Intuition Worldwide, at or call toll-free 800-345-6665.

At Rose Rosetree's website, you’ll also find free articles, FAQs, and practical ways to use Deeper Perception to make life better. Sign up for "Read Life Deeper," her free monthly zine with face and aura readings of people in the news, at . Rosetree's blog is called "Deeper Perception Made Practical." You are invited to join this lively, interactive community at

Additional Resources covering Aura can be found at:

Website Directory for Aura
Articles on Aura
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Rose Rosetree, the Official Guide To Aura